Understanding the Differences: SSH vs. VPN

In the realm of online security, two prominent technologies stand out: Secure Shell (SSH) and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). While they both aim to safeguard your data as it traverses the internet, they operate in distinct ways, catering to different needs and scenarios. Let’s delve deeper into the disparities between SSH and VPNs to help you make an informed decision about which one suits your requirements best.

SSH vs VPN: Deciphering the Variances

At first glance, SSH and VPNs might appear analogous in their quest to fortify your online presence. However, they diverge significantly in functionality and scope. SSH, known as Secure Shell, primarily facilitates secure remote access to a computer system, encrypting the data transmitted between the user and the remote server. Conversely, a VPN encrypts all internet traffic originating from a device and channels it through a server in a location specified by the user. This not only shields the data from prying eyes but also masks the user’s IP address, lending an illusion of browsing from the VPN server’s location.

Exploring SSH: A Closer Look

SSH operates as a cryptographic network protocol, instrumental in ensuring secure remote login and other network services across unsecured networks. It establishes a secure channel between a client and a server, encrypting the session to thwart interception or tampering. Widely utilized by network administrators, SSH facilitates remote management of web and server applications, guaranteeing secure file transfers and remote command execution.

Unraveling the SSH Tunnel

An SSH tunnel serves as a conduit for transporting arbitrary networking data over an encrypted SSH connection. This method bolsters the security of unencrypted network protocols like FTP by encapsulating the data within a secure channel. Essentially, an SSH tunnel acts as a bridge, encrypting the traffic of applications that lack inherent encryption capabilities, thus paving a secure path across insecure networks.

Understanding VPNs: An Overview

On the other hand, VPNs epitomize a service that encrypts your internet connection and directs it through a server in a location of your choice. By doing so, VPNs obfuscate your actual IP address, rendering your online activities inscrutable to prying eyes. Renowned for enhancing online privacy, securing internet connections, and circumventing content access restrictions, VPNs serve as a versatile tool in the arsenal of digital privacy enthusiasts.

Unveiling the Mechanism of VPNs

A VPN forges a secure and encrypted linkage between your device and the internet. Instead of forging a direct connection to cyberspace, your device communicates through a VPN server, which intermediates between your device and the online services you access. This encrypted tunnel encapsulates all data transmissions, rendering them indecipherable to potential eavesdroppers, be it hackers, ISPs, or government entities.

SSH vs VPN: A Comparative Analysis of Security

While both SSH and VPNs boast robust encryption standards to safeguard data transmission, their forte lies in distinct arenas. SSH excels in ensuring the security of specific connections and tasks, such as remote server management and file transfers. Conversely, VPNs offer a more holistic approach, encrypting all internet traffic emanating from your device, thereby fortifying your privacy across all online endeavors.

Pros and Cons: Weighing the Trade-offs



  1. Secure Remote Access: SSH provides a secure method for remote access to servers, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of data transmissions.
  2. Encrypted Communication: All data exchanged between the client and server via SSH is encrypted, safeguarding it from interception by malicious actors.
  3. Efficient File Transfers: SSH facilitates secure file transfers between devices, making it ideal for exchanging sensitive information over unsecured networks.
  4. Flexible Tunneling: SSH tunnels allow for the secure transmission of arbitrary networking data, enabling users to bypass restrictions and enhance security for various applications.


  1. Complex Configuration: Setting up SSH connections and configuring tunneling parameters can be challenging for novice users, requiring a certain level of technical expertise.
  2. Limited Scope: SSH is primarily tailored for specific use cases such as remote server management and command-line tasks, lacking the comprehensive coverage offered by VPNs.
  3. Potential Security Risks: Misconfigurations or vulnerabilities in SSH implementations could expose systems to security threats, necessitating vigilant maintenance and updates.



  1. Comprehensive Encryption: VPNs encrypt all internet traffic originating from a device, ensuring privacy and security across all online activities.
  2. Anonymity and Privacy: By masking the user’s IP address and routing traffic through remote servers, VPNs enhance anonymity and protect against tracking by advertisers, ISPs, and government agencies.
  3. Bypass Geo-Restrictions: VPNs enable users to bypass geographical restrictions on content access, allowing them to unlock region-locked websites, streaming services, and online platforms.
  4. Secure Public Wi-Fi: VPNs provide a secure connection on public Wi-Fi networks, shielding users from potential threats posed by malicious actors exploiting vulnerabilities in unsecured networks.


  1. Cost: High-quality VPN services often require subscription fees, which may deter budget-conscious users from accessing premium features and servers.
  2. Performance Impact: Encrypting and routing internet traffic through VPN servers can introduce latency and affect connection speeds, particularly on congested or distant servers.
  3. Reliance on Service Providers: Users must entrust VPN providers with their data, raising concerns about privacy, data logging, and potential security breaches.
  4. Compatibility Issues: Some applications and services may not function properly when accessed through a VPN, requiring users to toggle VPN connections selectively or troubleshoot compatibility issues.

Choosing the Right Solution:

When evaluating the trade-offs between SSH and VPNs, it’s essential to consider the specific requirements and priorities of your use case. While SSH excels in providing secure remote access and targeted encryption for specific tasks, VPNs offer a broader solution for encrypting all internet traffic and enhancing privacy across various online activities. Ultimately, the decision hinges on striking a balance between security, usability, and the scope of protection required for your digital endeavors.

In Conclusion

SSH and VPNs emerge as formidable guardians of online security, each endowed with unique strengths and utilities. While SSH shines in facilitating secure remote access and command-line communications, VPNs offer a comprehensive solution for encrypting all internet traffic and augmenting online privacy. The choice between SSH and VPN hinges on your specific requirements, be it secure server management or safeguarding your online footprint.

FAQ: Understanding SSH and VPN

No, neither SSH nor VPNs are inherently safer than the other. Both technologies offer high-security levels through strong encryption. However, their safety can depend on the specific use case and implementation. SSH is particularly secure for remote server access and command-line tasks, while VPNs provide comprehensive encryption for all internet traffic. The choice between SSH and VPNs depends on factors such as the intended use, encryption algorithm, and implementation details.

While SSH and VPNs serve different purposes, it is possible to use SSH as a VPN through techniques like SSH tunneling. SSH tunneling can secure the traffic of individual applications, but it is more limited and less user-friendly compared to a dedicated VPN service. Although SSH tunneling provides some level of privacy and security, it may not offer the same level of anonymity and encryption as a VPN

The speed of SSH and VPNs depends on various factors, including network conditions, server locations, and encryption protocols. In general, SSH may be faster than a VPN for specific tasks such as command-line operations or file transfers due to its direct connection and specific use case. However, a VPN might provide better speed for general internet browsing and data transmission, especially if the VPN server is optimized for fast connections.

Yes, SSH over the internet is considered safe when properly configured. SSH protects data from interception and eavesdropping by encrypting the communication between the client and server. However, the safety of SSH also depends on using strong encryption methods and safeguarding private keys from unauthorized access. It is essential to keep SSH software updated to address any potential security vulnerabilities.

While SSH is excellent for secure remote access and specific tasks like file transfers, it has limitations compared to VPNs. SSH primarily focuses on securing specific connections and command-line tasks, whereas VPNs provide comprehensive encryption for all internet traffic. VPNs also offer anonymity by masking the user’s IP address, making them more suitable for general online privacy and security.

The legality of using SSH or VPN depends on various factors, including jurisdiction and intended use. While both technologies are legitimate tools for enhancing online security and privacy, certain activities conducted through SSH or VPN may be subject to legal restrictions. Users should familiarize themselves with relevant laws and regulations to ensure lawful usage of SSH and VPN services.

Yes, SSH and VPN can be used together to bolster security in certain scenarios. For example, users can establish an SSH tunnel within a VPN connection to add an extra layer of encryption and security to their online activities. However, implementing such configurations requires careful consideration of compatibility, performance, and security implications. Users should consult with knowledgeable experts or documentation to ensure proper setup and configuration.

3 Steps to use VPN


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Is Your VPN Vulnerable to Spyware?

A recent report indicates that a popular VPN may be delivering Iranian spyware to its users. The original report was created by Bitdefender, one of the world’s foremost private security companies. It has shed new light on the vulnerability of VPNs to spyware.

The Iranian Spyware VPN Scandal

According to Bitdefender, the 20Speed VPN is the most popular VPN based in Iran. It is used by many citizens of the country. It should also be noted that Iran does not have a stellar record when it comes to Internet freedom. For more than 20 years, Iran has exerted strict control over Internet content with various bans.

Those who travel to the region for work or other reasons are often forced to use a VPN in order to access the web services that they use at home. This can include communication apps which allow them to speak with family while they are abroad.

Many Iranians are also forced to use VPNs for access to blocked ISPs. The danger is that many of the websites accessible in Iran which claim to offer VPN service are outright scams. At the worst, the sites are under government control and looking to catch violators of the country’s Internet laws. This appears to have been the case with 20Speed VPN.

Working From Home Puts More People At Risk

Since 2020 there have been more people working from home thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. This means that more people have been forced to turn to VPN use. Using a VPN for home work environments is sometimes even mandated by employers of remote workers because of safety concerns.

Ironically, this push to work at home may have led to the exact things that a VPN is supposed to prevent. Specifically, some employers have developed software that can be used to monitor workers at home. An example of such software is Second Eye. It was developed in Iran and provides screen recording, logging keystrokes, and live screen viewing.

20Speed VPN – A Front for Spyware

It is believed that 20Speed VPN was utilized to deliver the Second Eye spyware to the devices of unsuspecting users. Thinking they were using a regular VPN, users were serving up loads of personal data to employers or other individuals.

We must specify that Second Eye is a legitimate monitoring application. It was the actions of 20Speed VPN that are called into question in this case. The company simply used the software to monitor its VPN users.

Imagine all of those people sitting there with no idea that their Internet activities were being monitored. Think of something similar was happening to you. We all probably have some Internet secrets that are best left hidden.

Could Something Similar Happen Elsewhere?

An obvious question in this case is whether a similar occurrence could happen elsewhere in the world. After all, Iran does have a pretty bad record for Internet privacy. The fact that it did happen in Iran isn’t surprising, but other countries also take a hard line where the Internet is concerned.

China is one that comes to mind. India is another. Both of them have fought extended battles with VPN technology and attempts to control Internet access. It is not hard to see a situation where these governments would create VPN companies as a front for spyware.

There are also those who contend that the US is not above using such measures. Even worse, they might be more likely to hide the fact than some other countries.

How to Avoid Spyware VPNs

There are a few things you can do to avoid a VPN that is vulnerable to spyware. The first thing is to only use a trusted company such as VPN Accounts. We have been in business for many years. We do not log or otherwise track user data.

Another important thing to remember is obtaining VPN service before you arrive in another country. Once you get there you may find that some legitimate VPN services are blocked.

Why Paying for a VPN Matters

Finally, stay away in all cases from VPNs that are offered or promoted as free. There really is no such thing as a free VPN. Some of them make money from selling user data to third parties.

That doesn’t mean that you will need to pay an exorbitant amount for your service. We have very reasonable rates. It is a small price to pay when compared to the cost of overcoming identity theft or other issues using a VPN might be able to prevent.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


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India and VPN User Data

There has been much news lately in India regarding data collection and VPN companies. India moved forward with a law that requires foreign VPN providers to collect use data and make it available to the government. Many feel that this is a huge blow to privacy and the overall appeal of VPNs in India.

A recent article in PC Mag explains how this new law will affect VPN users in India. It also details the impact that the law has on foreign VPN providers. You can also read the position of VPNAccounts.com to the new VPN data collection law in India on our website.

India Warns VPN Companies

Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the Minister of State for Electronics and IT, issued a stark warning to VPN companies. “If you don’t maintain logs, this is not a good place to do business,” the Minister said. The country has made clear that those who fail to comply with VPN data collection in India will be forced to pay a harsh price.

The move was made in an effort to help India respond to cybersecurity incidents. Indian authorities are concerned that illegal activities are being carried out by individuals using a VPN account to cover their tracks. While VPNs can be used by those who are considered cyber threats, the majority of Indian citizens use VPNs for the same reason as people in other countries. They want to make sure that they can browse without having their activities observed.

As usual, the innocent get caught in the loophole. The same can now be said for many VPN companies which are being forced to shutter their VPN servers in India.

VPN Providers Close Physical Servers in India

Those companies who have previously had VPN servers in India have a choice. They can agree to collect data and provide that data to the Indian authorities upon request, or they can choose to remove their servers from the country.

Most providers, including VPN Accounts, have chosen the latter. This only means that the companies no longer offer physical VPN servers in India. Most of those same companies can still offer a Indian IP address thanks to virtual VPN servers.

Compliance with the new law is nothing less than mandatory. Failing to agree to the data collection requirements carries a penalty that most VPN providers will not be willing to pay. It makes more sense to stop offering services in the country.

Why Data Collection Matters to VPN Users and Companies

The situation regarding India and VPN user data is important to both VPN users and VPN companies. The measure could set a precedent, prompting other countries to follow suit and enact similar laws. This would create a privacy concern for individuals all over the world that use VPNs on a daily basis.

It would also have an economic impact on the providers of VPN servers. There is reason to believe that users would be forced to cancel their subscriptions if they no longer felt their private data were secure. Most of the people who use VPNs are doing so to create anonymity when online. They want to know that there are no records of their activity, because no records means that there is nothing to turn over to government authorities.

You can take comfort in knowing that VPN Accounts will never embrace a policy of logging user data. We feel strongly that this is contrary to the purpose of using a VPN. Buy a vpn account today to get started.

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Is my ISP Watching me While I Watch Youtube?

The security-conscious Internet user is always concerned about what an ISP can see. Is your Internet Service Provider, or ISP, able to see what you are streaming on YouTube, Netflix, or other platforms? The answer could be a cause for concern.

The short answer is that an ISP is probably able to observe and monitor many of your Internet activities. Some of them choose not to do so. You should probably assume that your streaming history is fair game unless you are using a VPN to secure your browsing sessions.

What an ISP Can See and the Problems This Can Cause

Let’s first talk about the specific information that an ISP can access about your browsing sessions. An ISP is able to see the websites that you visit. They can also see what you click on when you are visiting a website, and some even monitor meta-data. There is a wealth of information that is available to the ISP which gives it considerable control over your privacy.

The risk to your personal information and identity is only the beginning of the potential problem. There is also the issue of surveillance and ethics as it relates to your personal security. Finally, you could be granting access to the types of videos you watch to marketing and research companies. This information can be used to identify many things about you including your political views, your shopping preferences, and what types of media have influence over you.

How an ISP Determines Your YouTube Viewing Activity

The majority of Internet users don’t know all the technical aspects of how the Internet works. They just see it as typing in a web address and visiting a website. Things are a little more complex than that. The information that you pass back and forth between your device and the Internet can be classified as data.

A simple explanation is to think of it like postal mail. When you send a request to a website like YouTube for a video, your device “mails” out the request in the form of data. The website receives the request and sends back the data in the form of packets. Within that data transmission are the details of your request, and the ISP can also see which server is hosting the information you want to access.

It all seems very complicated, but you only need to understand that your ISP is tasked with delivering your digital mail or information. It is able to do that because it has access to IP addresses which identify your device. Just like the address on your mailbox, the IP address can be linked to a specific device or connection.

The bottom line is that the ISP knows what you are requesting to watch on YouTube and where you are when you are watching it.

Geo Blocking and YouTube Content

Have you ever tried watching something on YouTube and discovered that your access was restricted because you live in a certain area? IP addresses are used to provide geographical gate-keeping. Some media creators do not license their content to certain areas because of copyright issues and known issues with piracy.

This is another area where a VPN can come in very handy to the Internet user. You can use a VPN to unblock geographical censorship by connecting to a VPN server located in a non-restricted area.

Why Would an ISP Care About What You Watch on YouTube?

An ISP could have many reasons for wanting to know what you are watching on YouTube. One of the biggest is the desire to market your preferences to advertisers.

Have you ever been watching a video on YouTube when suddenly an ad pops up? Almost like magic, this ad will be related to something that you like. How does YouTube or Google serve up tailored ads? They do it thanks to data collection which identifies your web browsing preferences.

Advertising is a big business, and browsing preferences are like gold to the marketing company. They are willing to pay top dollar to ISPs for information such as this, and there is no prohibition on an ISP for collection and selling the data. All they really need to do is let you know in the fine print of your agreement that data could be collected.

Another reason an ISP can collect data on its users is to satisfy a request from government agencies or other entities. Yes, someone could have an interest in what you are doing online for a legal reason. ISPs are not going to take a stand against authorities with a warrant when it comes to protecting your privacy.

Can You Hide Your Browsing and YouTube Activity?

There is some good news where this subject is concerned. A VPN can provide a simple but effective solution to the spying of an ISP. The secret lies in how a VPN works.

VPNs provide an encrypted tunnel. The data that we mentioned to begin this article has to pass through that tunnel. Encryption scrambles the data, making it impossible to decipher. In a sense, it makes gibberish of all those pieces of data mail. To reassemble the data, the key to the encryption is required. Again, it sounds technical but it is really pretty simple and effective in terms of how it is designed.

A VPN can also obscure your IP address. You can replace it with the IP address of the VPN server. So, when the sites you visit look they see the VPN server address. If you happen to be traveling abroad and want to watch your local programming, a VPN may be necessary if you want to avoid geo blocks.

The key to making this an effective solution is to find a VPN provider that satisfies a few key requirements. You want to choose a paid VPN service above all, because free VPN services can be ineffective and even dangerous. The worst of them will sell your data to marketers. They can also maintain logs which can compromise your security.

You may also find that free VPNs are not fast enough for you to watch streaming media on YouTube. At VPNAccounts.com we offer fast and reliable service that is affordable. We have multiple plans available. There are many server locations to choose from, and we also offer convenient apps for your devices. There is no software download required to use a VPN. Almost all devices made today come with a pre-installed VPN client for you to use.

With the proper measures and a VPN you can watch YouTube in peace. You won’t have to worry about whether or not your ISP can see what you are watching on YouTube. After all, your Internet activity should be something that you alone are able to control. Take back your privacy with a VPN.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


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Best VPN for Dark Web

The Dark Web

You have probably heard about the Dark Web. This hidden collection of websites actually forms the largest segment of the Internet, but it is accessible only through a special browser known as TOR. Even when you are using TOR to access the Dark Web a VPN is still recommended for added layers of security. Finding the best VPN for Dark Web access can be tricky.

We have put together information that you may find useful regarding Dark Web access and VPN. Always remember that it is best to use caution when you are browsing the Dark Web due to the content that you may find there.

The Dark Web – Where Secrets Are Kept

The best way to describe the Dark Web is to say that it is a place where secrets are kept. The Dark Web is a collection of websites that can only be accessed with a special browser called TOR. The TOR browser was originally developed for military operations. It provides access to websites with .onion domains.

The Surface Web and Deep Web are also part of the Internet as we know it today. Along with the Deep Web, the Dark Web accounts for the largest proportion of Internet websites. These range from secure versions of news websites and social media networks to nefarious black markets where drugs and guns are traded.

On the Dark Web you will find illegal pornography alongside sites where pirated media can be downloaded for free. The most famous Dark Web site is probably the original Silk Road. This site ran for several years until its developer was arrested by the FBI and given a lengthy federal prison term.

There are good aspects of the Dark Web. Journalists and political dissidents can use TOR to communicate with their audiences and eliminate the risk of being discovered. Those who are security conscious can create an anonymous email account, or even access the .onion version of Facebook.

The disclaimer that we should offer is that some innocent people have become caught up in problems because they did not use caution when accessing the Dark Web. A VPN is recommended before you proceed.

Accessing the Dark Web

Before you are able to access the Dark Web you will need to install the TOR browser on your desktop or laptop computer. This browser is available for free from the Tor Project website. It is a safe download, but we recommend scanning with your standard antivirus software before installation.

The download takes only a few moments, and then you only need to follow the instructions that appear on your screen to install TOR. There are even some plug-ins and add-ons that make it possible to integrate Chrome and Firefox with TOR. Most individuals just tend to use the TOR browser as a standalone.

Once you open up the TOR browser you will be able to access the Dark Web by putting in the .onion site that you want to visit. There are also .onion search engines that can be used. A word of caution. Some Dark Web sites are known for malware and viruses. Proceed with caution. Check our post on the best dark web websites.

VPN for Dark Web Access is a Must

Because of the way TOR works, most people make the the assumption that it offers secure browsing of the Internet. The Onion Router works just like an onion, concealing your connection beneath multiple layers or access points that must be peeled back. But this is not enough.

Your ISP may still be able to see that you are accessing the TOR network. Because the Dark Web has been associated with illegal Internet activity, you could raise a red flag just by connecting to TOR. Your ISP might be compelled to reveal that you are connecting to TOR if a log of your activities are requested by law enforcement.

The way to avoid this is to use a VPN in addition to TOR. The way that you do this is to find a reliable VPN, connect, and then open your TOR browser. This will create the encrypted tunnel that you need to prevent your ISP from seeing that you are using TOR.

If you have gone to all the trouble of downloading TOR and are ready to access the Dark Web, it only makes sense to choose the Best VPN for Dark Web browsing. You will soon discover that all VPNs are not created equal.

The Best VPN for Dark Web Browsing

Just make a Google search for VPN service and you will see that there is no shortage of VPN providers to choose from. You will probably see a number of free services right at the top of the search results. Choosing the best VPN for Dark Web access is important because the wrong one could leave you vulnerable to even more security threats.

Free VPN services have to depend upon other streams of revenue to support their services. These streams usually involve revenue from advertising companies who pay to see your browsing preferences. Free services may also keep logs of your Internet activities.

The best VPN is one that does not log your activity, and also one that typically charges a nominal fee for access. In exchange for the money you will pay you’ll be given access to multiple servers in different locations throughout the world. A reliable VPN for Dark Web access is also one that has impressive up time and few service issues.

Finally, you will want to choose a VPN provider that gives you good customer service. You should be able to get an answer to any issue that you have within a very short period of time.

VPNAccounts.com takes pride in being one of the best VPN for Dark Web providers. When you look at our service you will see that we check off all of the above requirements. Our plans are reliable and affordable. You can secure your Internet access with our VPN for a low price when you choose to pay yearly for your plan.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


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Are Internet Service Provider Logging Your Internet Activity?

vpn security

Are ISP’s Compromising your Online Security?

VPN - Information SuperhighwayAn ISP, or Internet Service Provider, is the foundation of your access to the Internet whether you be surfing from your own home network or using the public Wi-Fi at the local coffee shop. It is important that you understand the inherent security flaws in any ISP and how to fix them by using a VPN. Just having a connection to the Internet does not guarantee your online safety. Buy a vpn, to bypass internet censorship and internet restrictions.

The role of your ISP

Your ISP exists for one purpose and one purpose only, to facilitate your access to the Cloud. In the old days the Internet was often referred to as the Information Super Highway. An ISP is your on-ramp to that highway. Just like driving on a busy freeway, the freeway itself is not responsible for your driving safety once you enter the fast lane of travel. It’s the same with your ISP. Beyond providing you a way to access the Internet, your ISP is not responsible for your safety.

Oh, if it were only that simple. In the modern world we live in, ISP’s are beginning to assume a new role. That new role is driving ISP’s to become the snitches of the digital age. ISP’s are regularly compelled to turn over browsing data to many different parties. In many areas of the world—the Arab Region such as UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, in particular—ISP’s are state-owned and controlled. In the US we are accustomed to many available choices, and ISP’s are no exception. This simply isn’t true in other countries. When the state controls an ISP, the opportunities for censorship and restriction are vastly increased.

Therefore, the new role of the ISP is not simply that of service provider but of observer and monitor. The moment you connect to the Internet via your ISP you have exposed yourself to surveillance of your Internet activities. The ISP will not encourage, nor provide, a means for your to keep your data secure.

The VPN Necessity

Because ISP’s are now being forced into an expanded role which includes the monitoring of Internet traffic, using a VPN has become a necessity for anyone who prizes freedom and unregulated Internet access. There has to be some technology that thwarts an ISP’s ability to track, observe, and ultimately control what users are able to do online.

Every time that you connect to the Internet you are creating a potential trail for someone to follow. Most users take little or no precautions, so following this trail is very easy to do. It isn’t just easy for your ISP to track your activities; hackers and identity thieves can also manipulate unsecured connections to steal sensitive information. Security begins by interrupting that trail that you leave behind. A VPN does exactly that.

Whenever you use a VPN, those who attempt to follow and track your activities can follow only to a minimal point. They will then reach the encrypted data transfer that the VPN provides, and tracking your further progress becomes impossible. This interruption of your digital fingerprint is what allows a VPN to unblock restricted websites in many parts of the world. Masking your true IP address is a crucial component in erasing that trail.

With a VPN account, you more or less vanish the moment you connect to it. Your ISP can certainly tell that you are connected to the Internet, but once the VPN tunnel is opened you can virtually disappear. You’ll only resurface in the eyes of your ISP when you disconnect from your VPN. That sounds like a lot of cloak-and-dagger, James Bond lingo, but it really isn’t all that mysterious or hard to comprehend.

Worry Less With VPN

If an ISP is an evil enemy, then it is surely a necessary one. You can’t connect to the Internet without an ISP, so learn to make peace with that fact right now. But, you can control what the ISP registers about your Internet browsing. You can control what data you want to share and what data you want to keep private. The only way to truly eliminate concerns over who is watching your online activity is to use a VPN.

To return to that analogy we gave earlier about the Information Super Highway, you probably wouldn’t think highly of driving your car without insurance. Why not? Because having insurance on your car gives you peace of mind. A VPN from VPN-accounts.com does exactly the same thing. It helps you worry less about having your data stolen or your activities monitored. A VPN gives you peace of mind so that you can enjoy the Internet the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

As more and more countries begin to redefine the role of ISP’s as guardians of digital information, the time to adopt VPN technology as a fundamental part of your Internet connectivity has come. You can click here to subscribe.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


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How to Unblock Sites in Qatar the SMART Way

Qatar VPN

Finding out how to unblock sites in Qatar can be very confusing given the amount of misinformation on the Internet about the various methods available. It would be very easy for someone to be led down a costly path.

It’s a fact that many individuals in Qatar require some type of service that will allow them to avoid Internet censorship. Did you know that foreigners and expats in Qatar actually outnumber Qatari citizens? From military contractors to oil production executives, Qatar is a huge melting pot of nationalities. The one thing they all share in common is that they are all affected by the Internet restrictions imposed by the government.

Qatar is an Absolute Monarchy. That means the Royal Family calls all the shots. Websites that oppose the moral values of Islam are blocked, as well as many communication services. Dating sites, gambling sites, and many blogs are restricted. Any website, at any time, can be restricted by the Qatari monarchy.

This is old news, really. The majority of expats in Qatar are already wise to the fact that they will need some method of accessing restricted websites, but some of them are going about it in the wrong way. They are using proxy servers and free VPN services which have many flaws.

You might be saying, “Wow. You mean that free proxy servers are still being used to access blocked websites?” Yes, they are, but smart surfers know this isn’t how to unblock sites in Qatar. For one thing, free proxies are just too slow. Have you ever tried watching a video on one of these slow proxy connections? Watch two seconds…have some coffee…watch two more seconds…feed the dog. You’re laughing and we’re exaggerating, but you know the frustration that comes with a slow server.

A VPN is a much better option just because the speed is practically the same as your own network connection. That’s right. Even though a VPN provides layers of security through sophisticated encryption, you probably won’t notice even the slightest difference in speed. Of course, the slow speed of a free proxy server could have something to do with all that malware they are putting into your machine. Just sayin’.

Forget about using the unsecured public networks available in Qatar. There is just too much censorship of sites that Westerners consider harmless. You’re going to have to use something to enjoy the Internet in Qatar, and your best choice is a VPN from VPN-accounts.com.

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Using a VPN for your Home Business

work from home VPN

One practical application of a VPN is to use this technology in the operation of a home business. Many individuals are now working from home and using their computers to earn a living. Whether one is marketing goods and services on the Internet or developing e-commerce websites, using a VPN to connect to the Internet is profitable for several reasons.

Keeping your location private

Many people who operate home businesses do not want their residential location revealed to the masses. They may have a PO Box or virtual office to handle incoming communication, but most do not use their home address as the physical location of their business.

In addition, using a VPN server in an exotic locale such as Hong Kong can sometimes lend an air of prestige to a home business. You can be sitting in your apartment in New Jersey, marketing ebooks or other informational products online, and put an international face on your business by using a VPN server. When you post on forums or message boards which display your location, the location will be that of the VPN server.

If you own an online business, it just isn’t smart to be careless with your physical location. Using a VPN will go a long way towards separating home and work, even though you do both in the same space. Buy a vpn, bypass censorship and restrictions.

Keeping your data private

If your home business involves the electronic collection of your customer’s data, through a mailing list or by accepting payments, using a VPN can prevent trouble.

Payment processors, like Paypal and Authorize.net, use secured websites to collect payments. Your home business is covered on that end. The transmissions of these processors are encrypted. However, many home business owners keep records of sales and other business data on their computer and send it over the Internet without protection. Here’s an example. One of your customers contacts you about a purchase they made. In the course of your discussions you need them to send credit card info, address, etc. for you to verify. They email the info to you across an unsecured network.

You’ve just opened the door to that data being compromised. Hopefully, you are only using your home network to conduct business, but in this modern world one advantage of a home business is the ability to manage it anywhere from a variety of devices. You could be receiving or sending information from a customer on your smartphone or tablet while you’re at the coffee shop or in a hotel.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer. Would you do business with someone who is carelessly transmitting your personal data across an unsecured network? Probably not. Using a VPN to encrypt and protect your Internet activity is just the responsible thing to do if you have a home business.

Keeping your browsing private

Some individuals use the same computer and Web browser to conduct their online business as they do for their personal surfing. Not everyone, especially someone who just started their business, can afford multiple computers. Not making a separation between your business and personal interests is a very bad idea.

From an Internet perspective, using a VPN can give you the functionality of two different computers. Simply select one of our server options to use exclusively to conduct your business and do not stray from that. Connect to it each and every time that you engage in business-related activity. Because we offer you several servers to choose from, you can even use a different server for your personal Web browsing. Just don’t mix the two.

Here’s the deal. Internet traffic is monitored and observed by numerous agencies. If someone is able to link your personal browsing to the same IP used by your business, the reputation of your company could be at risk. Looking at a little harmless porn might seem like a good idea at the time, but when your business IP address starts getting associated with things like that it can damage your rep. Play it straight and separate your business and personal interests.

You wouldn’t walk into work for a huge company, go to your desk, and start sexting someone on a dating site. Well, maybe some people would, but they would probably be fired when they were discovered. Treat your business with the same respect you would give an employer.

Home business VPN is a sound investment

In setting up a home business you are going to spend a lot of money on advertising, web development, copywriting, and a host of other things. Don’t neglect what may be the best investment you can make for your business. You will probably be surprised at how affordable our service is at VPN-accounts.com. An entire year’s worth of VPN service is probably less than you will pay for website hosting, and the peace of mind it will give you is priceless.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


Enjoy VPNEnjoy the benefits of a VPN today.

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How to Access Blocked Sites in Saudi Arabia?

bypass KSA ISP Restricitons

VPN-accounts.com is happy to answer questions from our website visitors. We recently received this question:

“I was wondering how to access blocked sites in Saudi Arabia. I’m an expat who just started working in the KSA and many of my favorite apps and websites aren’t available here. Can you give me some advice?”

The question posed by this reader is a very common one. We see it in our inbox almost every day. There is a way to access blocked sites in Saudi Arabia, and that way is a VPN! If you already have one of our VPN packages, you know how easy it is to configure and use for browsing in Saudi Arabia. If not, read on and we’ll show you how to remove the harsh KSA restrictions.

What sites are restricted?

Saudi Arabia takes a pretty hard line with Internet censorship. They block a wide variety of sites, from communication services like Skype and Whatsapp to objectionable blogs and news websites. Dating sites and pornography are also forbidden in this Arab country.

The government in Saudi Arabia owns and controls the ISP’s, so it is futile to try and access blocked sites with a KSA Internet connection. Also, you should know that people have been arrested in Saudi Arabia for attempting to view restricted content.

Using an unsecured public network in Saudi Arabia is a risky proposition. You can be relatively certain that you browsing activity is fair game for prying eyes.

Don’t leave home without a VPN

Before you pack that suitcase and book your flight to Saudi Arabi, check out the VPN packages we offer and get one right now. You may find it difficult to access the site once you arrive in the Arab region. A little advance preparation now can save you a lot of grief later.

The question isn’t really how to access blocked sites in Saudi Arabia. It’s how to do it effectively. A proxy server, especially the web-based free kind, won’t do you much good if you plan on using VoIP or streaming movies. The connection speed is just too slow for most of these apps. Your VPN from VPNaccounts.com will not show any significant reduction in speed. Our technology is also top-notch, so you won’t have to worry too much about your connection being dropped.

If you have any other questions about opening blocked sites in Saudi Arabia or how to set up your VPN, just send us an email and we will be happy to answer. Buy a vpn, bypass censorship and restrictions.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


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UK VPN Become Popular

UK VPN account

Recent proposals by the British government and an increased number of British expats are making a UK VPN a necessity. VPN usage is on the upswing in the UK, and for good reason. Those who use the Web at home and abroad are becoming more concerned about their lack of Internet freedom. Buy a UK vpn, bypass censorship and restrictions.

To begin, British expats in the United Arab Emirates alone number well over 100,000. The total number of British expats around the world is estimated to be somewhere around 5 million individuals, and the number is growing. These expats work in the US, China, Spain, Portugal, Singapore, and a host of other countries. Many use it to watch BBC iPlayer while travelling.

In some areas, like the US, British workers aren’t exposed to a lot of Internet censorship. In others, like China, it can be impossible for a UK resident to use many of the basic Web services they can use at home. In addition, VoIP services like Skype may be unavailable, and this affects an expat’s ability to communicate with friends and family at home in an economic way. These are some of the reasons why a UK VPN is a must for British expats.

Most of those who will be leaving the UK on business are wise enough to purchase their VPN service from VPN-accounts.com before they leave. It can be difficult in some areas to access provider websites. Unfortuately, this is something many companies don’t tell their employees beforehand.

The UK government has also taken aim domestically at pornographic websites, stating that a full ban on these websites may be imminent. This has led many people to question their level of Internet freedom in the UK. A lot of these people have started making the transition to a VPN for their server requirements. Using a VPN in the UK is seen by many as a preemptive strike before other digital access becomes compromised.

So far, the UK has not ended up on any watchlists which monitor Internet censorship, and it probably won’t. There is a climate of tolerance in the UK towards the Internet. But, for some, the benefits of using a VPN now outweigh any hesitation they may have had in the past about protecting their security and anonymity, or unblocking restricted websites in other locales.

One reason the decision to use a VPN is easier made today is that the pricing of a quality UK VPN has been dramatically lowered in recent years, and the technology that powers these encrypted means of Internet access is far more advanced than it was even two years ago. Once the realm of businesses and government agencies, secured networks are now possible for the average citizen through VPN technology. Buy your UK VPN here before travelling just in case the site is blocked.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


Enjoy VPNEnjoy the benefits of a VPN today.

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Connect & Enjoy: Internet Freedom, Privacy & security. Purchase your VPN today!