Privacy & Security using a VPN Account
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VPN for Security & Privacy
Using a VPN is very popular, and with good reason. The risks associated with surfing the Internet grows each and every day. From identity thieves to governments tracking the websites you visit, numerous threats to your online liberty exist. By using a VPN account it is possible to surf the Internet privately and securely. Military grade 256-bit encryption, a VPN account protects your data. All data that you send or receive is encrypted & secure. This is one of many benefits of using a vpn account.
We’re going to examine some of the main reasons you might want to start using a VPN account for private Internet access, but before we do here’s a quick disclaimer. does not recommend, endorse, or support the use of a VPN to carry out criminal activities. Any information we may provide about the usage of private networks is for informational purposes only.
VPN for Private Internet Access
If you are browsing the Internet on an unsecured network, even in the privacy and comfort of your own home, there is a chance that your browsing activities will be observed by others. One such method is packet sniffers monitoring your network at work or your Internet Service Provider. You may think the browsing you do is innocent enough, but anyone with an axe to grind or a vendetta can use your browsing activities against you. Also true for people working from home, vpn is a good idea.
You might remember this horror story of unprotected surfing gone awry. 10 years ago Pete Townsend, the legendary guitarist for The Who, was accused of child pornography. While researching material for his autobiography, Townsend had used his credit card to access a child pornography website. Townsend had been sexually abused as a child and was attempting to prove that the website in question was accepting credit cards in order to allow visitors to view illegal images. His intention was to expose the website and report them to the authorities.
Townsend found himself facing criminal charges and placed on the National Registry of Sex Offenders by the London Metropolitan Police. His reputation was severely damaged. It took four months for investigators to determine that Townsend had not downloaded any illegal images or even accessed the site after giving his credit card information. All charges were dropped, but to this day when someone searches Google for Pete Townsend the ugly stain of this incident is attached to his name.
Do you see how easily someone can become a victim of their own Internet browsing activities? Whether you are researching a paper for college or participating in forums dedicated to activist groups like the Occupy Movement or Anonymous, your visits to certain websites can be called into question and you could find yourself in the position of Pete Townsend.

Why is VPN Privacy Needed?
Here are just some of the most common reasons individuals try to hide their tracks online:
Both men and women may find it necessary to hide their Internet activities for a variety of reasons. Not all of these reasons are what you might think. The VPN will not stop your web browser from creating a history, that you need to clear on your own. But whatever requests are sent from your computer to the World Wide Web would be private and neither your Internet Service Provider nor for example Google know that you did a said search from your real location.
Hey, we’re all adults here. Some people like to look at X-rated websites such as PornHub. To each his own, but many of those visitors don’t want other people knowing what they look at online. Some of them have jobs where reputation is very important, and this revelation could affect their job status. Without a VPN account, your ISP logs your access to the adult website same goes if you are logged in to your Google account, Google logs that history. Be sure to log out of your google account.
Those who like to gamble on casino games or horseracing or sports betting might feel more comfortable browsing on a VPN and by doing so, your Internet service provider will not log that activity. Perhaps also a users country frowns upon online betting and block access to such sites. A VPN account will solve this.
The world is far more accepting of alternative lifestyles today, but some gay and lesbian individuals are still not comfortable coming out of the closet. Private browsing allows them to keep their sexual preference private while maintaining an online presence in the gay and lesbian communities.
Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, just a simple search on a controversial subject can put you at risk for landing on a government watch list. There are some crazy stories out there about farmers who were researching different types of fertilizer online and found themselves being questioned about bomb-making. Don’t get victimized by post-9/11 paranoia. Keep your research to yourself with a VPN.
If you happen to travel the world on business or pleasure you have probably encountered the blocking of many websites like Skype, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Wechat, YouTube & Facebook. In addition, you might also want to watch your local television programming on bbc, nbc, fox, abc etc while traveling. Using a VPN can make both of these possible.
We couldn’t possibly list all of the reasons someone would choose to use a VPN for private Internet access. There are as many reasons as there are people who go online. For most people the decision to browse anonymously all comes down to an issue of personal freedom.
The Internet has long been considered the last bastion of personal freedom. It is a place where someone can say whatever they want, view whatever they want, or be whoever they want without restriction. No democracies exist, not even the United States, where this level of personal freedom remains available. With each passing day more efforts are made to regulate the Internet.
Some people consider the regulation of the Internet as something that will bring society one step closer to governmental oppression and control. This can be currently observed in the escalating tensions between North and South Korea. Both sides of the conflict have taken measure to prevent unrestricted access to Internet websites.
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For Privacy & Security
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