The China Firewall and VPNs

GFW of china The Great Wall of China is an amazing piece of architecture. It is so monumental that it can even be seen from space. But did you know that there is another wall, an invisible one, which surrounds the entire country? We’re talking about the Great Firewall of China.

Perhaps no other country has pushed the limits of Internet censorship and regulation the way that China has. From blocking websites that violate government standards to imprisoning bloggers for expressing their views, China takes a hard line in controlling digital information.

Getting around the Great Firewall of China is a must for expatriates and those who visit the country. There is a way to circumvent many of the Internet restrictions in China if you are working or traveling there, and that way is to use a VPN.

What is the Great Firewall of China?

The Great Firewall of China actually has a more proper name. It is called the Golden Shield Project. The government began to develop the Golden Shield Project in 1998, and it was fully operational by 2003. Since that time, the Great Firewall of China has been the government’s tool for managing Internet restriction in one of the world’s most powerful nations.

The premise behind the Golden Shield project was simple. The Chinese government believed that the arrival of the Internet “opened a window” to the West, and that controlling what came through that window was important. Deng Xiaoping, the legendary Chinese leader, essentially referred to the process as “swatting flies.”

The flies coming through the open window of the Internet were any voices which could be considered as opposing the Communist principles of China. One such group, known as the China Democracy Party, was gaining some strength as the Internet arrived, and the government worried that unfiltered usage of the Internet would strengthen the CDP’s efforts to network. Hence, the Great Firewall was born.

How the Great Firewall works

Internet filtering through the Great Firewall of China is accomplished through a variety of means. Much blocking is accomplished by preventing some IP addresses from routing through, and proxy servers are heavily used.  In addition, a technique known as DNS cache poisoning is used to restrict access to certain sites.

The end result is that those who use the Internet in China are able to access only what the government wants them to access. All ISP’s in China adhere to the standards imposed by the Golden Shield project.

Why should you care about the Great Firewall?

As of June 2013 there are over 550,000 expatriates working in China. These individuals come from a variety of nations, but the turmoil in the European and American job markets have produced many of these young expatriates who are looking to improve their job status by working in China.

Foreign workers have perennially fueled many industries in China, many of them in the gas, coal, and steel industries. Teachers and other degreed professionals have always been in demand for their ability to introduce new learning and technology to the Chinese population. If you are planning to become an expatriate and work in China, learning how to avoid the Great Firewall is a must.

China is also the third-most visited nation in the world. In 2010, 55.98 million tourists visited the country. China is a favorite of tourists because of its history and culture. It is also a safe country to visit, with little turmoil.

When you combine expatriates with tourists the result is a sizeable foreign presence in China. Many of these individuals depend upon Internet access to stay connected with their home country, but many are surprised when they arrive and are confronted by the Great Firewall of China.

IMPORTANT–You must get a VPN before you reach China!

If you are planning to visit or work in China, a VPN is your only reliable option for maintaining access to the Internet as you have come to enjoy it. You can use your personal VPN to create an encrypted tunnel which will allow continued access to services like Skype, your local news and television programming, and digital services like Netflix or even Amazon Prime.

What you must understand, however, is that you need to secure your VPN account before leaving your home country. China knows that users can circumvent the Great Firewall with a VPN, so access to VPN sites is largely restricted. This means that if you wait until you arrive in China to purchase VPN access you will likely be unable to access our website. If you are in China and accessing this page while on some proxy that is currently unblocked you can email us for an alternative link or you can provide a family member the site url  and they can order for you.

A VPN should be on the list of everyone who plans to visit China. We can help you get yours configured and ready to go before you arrive in the country to work or vacation. Do not forget this important part of your travel preparations!

3 Steps to use VPN


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VPN to unblock Facebook, Twitter & Youtube

facebook youtube twitter Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are three of the most-visited websites in the world, but did you know that in some areas of the world these services continue to be censored or blocked entirely? That can be bad news if you happen to be traveling or working in an area where these sites are restricted. Using a VPN can help you avoid the censorship of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in many cases.

Which Countries Block Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube?

Let’s address these individually. We’ll start with Facebook. Facebook has managed to overcome much of the censorship it faced in its early days. As of March 2013, there are four countries which block Facebook entirely: China, North Korea, Cuba, and Iran. Despite the block, there are people within these countries that still manage to use Facebook. It is important to remember, however, that a block will prevent you from creating an account in many cases. A VPN is most useful for individuals who already have a Facebook account and want to continue using it in a restricted area.

Twitter has been censored at various times in China, India, France, Egypt, Iran, and South Korea. The United Kingdom even threatened to shut it down during the 2011 England Riots! In the case of Twitter, it is far more likely to find examples of selective censorship as opposed to outright blocking. Governments can affect the removal of objectionable tweets. Once again, even though Twitter is blocked in China, many people there continue to use the service. A VPN can restore your access to Twitter in most cases.

YouTube falls under many of the same sanctions aimed at Twitter. It is far more likely to find individual videos removed. However, as of late 2012, the following countries are among those which have a national ban in place against YouTube: China, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkmenistan. VPN’s have been successfully proven to restore YouTube access in these areas.

We want to be clear once again: a VPN works when you have an existing Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter account registered from a location that is not blocked. For example, you live in the US and are planning on visiting China. If you attempt to access Facebook when you arrive from a Chinese ISP your access will be blocked. A private, paid VPN is the only option for those who happen to be in a country hit by serious web filtering.

A Quick Word on Free Vs. Paid VPN

Using a free VPN service might sound nice, but here’s a quick reality check. Free VPN’s are easily blocked in many cases by whoever is responsible for enforcing web filtering. In addition, just try getting customer service from a free VPN. If you want to maintain access to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter in restrictive countries, the only dependable fix is your own paid VPN account.

Why do countries block social sharing sites?

Websites like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter can be broadly classed under the definition of social sharing sites. Users can post updates and share media across the various platforms. That doesn’t seem like it would be such a big deal, but to countries that actively censor the Internet these sites pose a significant problem.

To begin with, social networks are difficult to monitor. Think for a moment about the millions of people who use Facebook alone. Trying to manually monitor every post for offensive or prohibited content is economically and practically impossible. There are only two viable options for countries like China in this case: block the site entirely or use sophisticated software to essentially spy on users. China has chosen the former in most cases, although they do still monitor many sites.

Secondly, social networks are virtually impossible to control. When a Tweet is sent there are vast numbers of people who can see it before it gets deleted. It’s the same with Facebook. The easiest and most effective means of controlling which information gets out is to simply block the troublesome sites.

Very recently, communications websites like Skype and Viber are also being targeted for the same reason. They make it too easy for users to contact other people in non-restricted areas.

A small caveat is in order here. Our website does not exist to provide political commentary on various countries that promote Internet censorship. Some countries may have valid reasons for doing so, which include matters of national security. What we do provide is an option for those people who may find themselves in a country which censors Web activity. There is no reason you shouldn’t be able to keep accessing the websites that are available in your own country. This is the primary reason that people choose to use a VPN legitimately. We do not endorse or support using your VPN account for activities that would be considered objectionable in ANY part of the world, such as using torrents to download copyrighted material.

True Anonymity and Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

Many people who purchase a VPN are very conscious of maintaining their online privacy. They like the encryption offered by a VPN and the ability to be anonymous online. Something you need to remember is that whenever you login to a website like Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, your anonymity is sacrificed.

Social networks require account registrations, and most people use their regular email to sign up. Whenever you login, your activities within the platform are easily tracked and monitored. In that sense, using a VPN won’t make you invisible.

A  VPN is your online passport

Try to think about your VPN as an online passport. You can’t cross borders without a real passport, and you can’t cross online borders without a VPN. The checkpoints in place to prevent access to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube from countries like China will stop you in your tracks. You wouldn’t dream of trying to travel overseas without your passport, and you shouldn’t dream of traveling overseas without a VPN account.

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Accessing Blogs with a VPN

blogs Blogs are the hallmark of new media. Bloggers the world over are using this platform to express their political views, provide up-to-date news in real time, and interact socially with the rest of the world. Unfortunately, many relevant blogs are becoming inaccessible in some parts of the world due to Internet censorship. Thankfully, a VPN can remedy this problem.

If you are a faithful reader of some popular blogs, here is some information you may find very useful as well as information on using a VPN to maintain access.

What is a blog?

Strictly speaking, a blog is an online journal. In the early days of blogging, blogs were used primarily for social purposes. A blogger could post personal updates and reflections on things they found interesting. Today, blogs serve a more important purpose. They are often used to provide political commentary and news which is untainted by the influence of the major news networks.

One of the more popular examples of a modern blog is the Huffington Post. Started by Ariana Huffington as a relatively small venture, the Huffington Post has expanded to provide some of the best news and commentary on the Internet. For entertainment enthusiasts, Perez Hilton’s blog has also become a sensation.

While these blogs are extremely popular, more relevant to our discussion are blogs which are emerging in areas like the Arab region and China. These blogs provide unfiltered news and information, often in real time, about political events. They have become so popular that many countries which restrict Internet freedom have engaged in blocking them via the firewalls on their proxy servers.

Why would countries block a blog?

In countries where the Internet is tightly regulated—Saudi Arabia, UAE, and China, for instance—the control of information is a high priority. These governments go to extremes to limit what can be accessed from within the country. For bloggers, this can be the kiss of death.

Many bloggers tend to be somewhat controversial in their coverage of local politics. They seem themselves as on outpost for freedom of the press and proponents of unfettered Internet access. This type of criticism of the government is frowned upon and therefore many blogs are considered a threat.

In February of 2012, Google announced that it would censor blogs on a “per country” basis. Google owns and operates one of the most popular blogging platforms called Blogger. What Google chose to do was redirect blog traffic to country-specific domains, thereby opening the door to state-controlled censorship. India was one of the first countries to institute this technology. In the immediate aftermath of Google’s decision, India sent 39 requests to the Internet giant for content removal. The greatest impact of this decision was that many blogs disappeared from Google search results, which pretty much voided their availability.

Blogs and a VPN

Let’s look at the subject of blogs and a VPN from a couple of different perspectives. First, we’ll talk about the reading side of things.

If you like to travel, or perhaps your job demands that you visit different countries, don’t take it for granted that your favorite blog will be available. Censorship of blogs is one of the reasons the nickname The Great Firewall of China was given to that Asian nation. In China, bloggers have even been imprisoned for posting things considered objectionable by the government, but we’ll get to that in just a moment.

Blocking by IP address is usually the method employed to censor blogs and make them unavailable in certain countries. You can easily override this restriction by using our VPN to change your IP address and bypass restriction via an encrypted VPN tunnel. That way, if China or Oman or the UAE happens to be blocking a news blog that you usually read at home in the US or UK, you can appear to be visiting the site from home and the internet service provider will not know you are accessing the site while connected via the encrypted vpn account. The process of setting up your VPN account to preserve access to your favorite blogs is very simple, and we provide detailed setup instructions.

Now, let’s talk about the writing side of blogs. Are you a blogger? Do you have a considerable number of readers who visit your blog regularly? If you host and publish your blog inside the US or UK, it might be to your benefit to use a VPN to research your news stories or other posts. It has been demonstrated that even the US has stepped up its monitoring of social networks, Google searches, and who knows what else. If your blog offers a lot of controversial content, the encryption of a VPN might be useful to you as you surf the Net.

Thankfully, blogging in the US and the UK has not become as threatened or as dangerous as blogging in China. Many bloggers have been arrested in China and detained with no explanation or timetable of release. It is difficult for these bloggers to maintain anonymity, especially when their blogs are hosted in China. More and more Chinese bloggers are using a different route by hosting outside of the country, then using a VPN to connect to the Web and make their posts. In this way, tracing the IP address of the blogger will only lead back to the blogger. A blogger in China can easily make it appear as though they are blogging from the UK or the US.

A VPN is a necessity for new media

While we’re on the subject of blogs, let’s conclude with a few words about new media in general. The way we get information in this digital age, and even the way we get our entertainment, is becoming more Internet-based. In addition to the blogs you usually read, think about the entertainment or communications services you use on a daily basis. New media is great, but it is by no means global. Numerous countries still block Skype, and services like Netflix are unavailable beyond US borders. To preserve access to the blogs you read, or the media services you use when traveling, buy a VPN account from is an absolute must.

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VPN Download – Is it Necessary to Download a VPN?

No Download VPN One of the biggest misconceptions about private Internet browsing is that a VPN download is required in order to start using the service. This is incorrect, and you don’t need to download a VPN at all. Let’s take a closer look and clear up some common fallacies about private Internet access and how it works.

You already have VPN software

The reason you don’t need to download a VPN is because the device you are using is pre-loaded with a VPN client that will allow you to set up your network with just a few clicks.

If you are using any of the modern operating systems like Windows 7 or the latest version of the Mac, your VPN software is already installed and ready to be configured. Let’s say you are using Windows 7. Open up your Network and Sharing Center and you will see a tab that allows you to configure a new network. There is an option there which will allow you to set up a VPN network. It’s the same on your Android phone or iPhone. Your tablet also has a VPN client that does not require a VPN download. Even Linux users will find a VPN client preinstalled on the latest version of their preferred distro.

Pretty much every device that is currently sold has a built-in VPN client, so to make this clear: you do not need a VPN download to access a Virtual Private Network like the one we offer. Simply click here to buy a vpn account subscription. 

What you need is a VPN Account

The VPN software on your computer or Internet-ready device is not a standalone VPN. This is where many people get confused. The VPN client only gives you the framework to run a VPN on your device. To use it you must purchase a VPN account and configure your client with the credentials supplied by your VPN provider.

Does it sound confusing? It really isn’t difficult at all. What you are paying your VPN provider for is the service. You already have the software necessary to use the service. This actually simplifies the process and eliminates the need for you to download a VPN from the Internet.

Whenever you hear people talking about a VPN you’ll often hear them incorrectly state that you need to download software in order to use a private network for various purposes. Let’s take a look at a few things which do not require a VPN download:

Downloading a VPN is not required to watch US TV Networks

If you are a United States citizen traveling or working abroad, one of the first things you may have noticed is that a lot of American networks like ABC, NBC, CBS and others are blocked because of a geo-restriction. When you start asking around about how to remove this restriction, people might say that you “need to download a VPN.”

This is incorrect. When you purchase a VPN from our site you do not need to download anything. We supply all of the information you need to configure your VPN client so that you can bypass geo-restrictions and start enjoying your local programming on the road. Geo-restriction is mostly accomplished by means of identifying your location through your IP address, and a VPN can make it appear that you are accessing the Internet from the US.

A VPN download is not required to unblock Skype

There are many areas of the world in which Skype, Viber, Whatsapp, and other communications networks are blocked. You may have been told that downloading a VPN will unblock these services, but that is technically wrong.

Unblocking Skype and similar services is possible with a VPN that does not require a download. Once you have entered your network credentials and configured your VPN client, all you need to do is connect to the VPN and your access to these blocked services will be restored.

Downloading a VPN is not necessary to avoid censorship

An increasing number of countries are stepping up their efforts at Internet surveillance and censorship. This has prompted more people to search Google for ways to secure their privacy online. Unfortunately, some of the Google results can be misleading by suggesting that you need a VPN download to maintain anonymity. All you need to do is follow a VPN setup guide to configure your device.

We’ve shown you through numerous examples that this is not the case. So, to reiterate what we have explained in this article, let’s recap:

  • A VPN download is not something you need to use a VPN
  • Your computer or Internet-ready device already has a VPN client installed
  • To use your VPN client you must have a VPN account.
  • Configuring your VPN client is very simple and takes only a matter of minutes.
  • Once your VPN client is configured you will be able to connect to your VPN and enjoy the enhanced security a VPN provides.

Don’t let some common misconceptions about downloading a VPN stop you from using the services we provide.

3 Steps to use VPN


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What can Edward Snowden Teach us about using a VPN?

Edward Snowden from NSA Edward Snowden has become a household name in many countries throughout the world due to his revelations about how the US monitors Internet activity. As Edward Snowden continues to seek asylum from multiple nations, his story is a valuable lesson for anyone thinking about protecting their Internet freedom with a VPN.

The reality of Internet surveillance

Most of us would readily concede that certain countries like China or Saudi Arabia monitor Internet activity. We hear about it all the time in the news. What shocked people the most about the revelations of Edward Snowden was that he was pointing a finger at the United States.

The United States is supposed to be the last outpost of personal freedom in the modern world. It is upheld as a bastion of free speech and expression. Snowden exposed this as a myth by revealing that the NSA regularly collects data from Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Twitter in an effort to monitor Internet traffic and communication.

The reality is that no matter where you live or work your Internet communication is vulnerable to government agencies. We all can agree that this can be useful in matters of national security, but the worrisome part is that governments aren’t making many distinctions when it comes to looking at personal data. They see what they see. Should you really have to worry about everything you post or look at online?

What a VPN can and cannot do

One of the first things you should understand about using a VPN account to protect your Internet privacy is what it can and cannot do. Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA monitors many social sites like Facebook and Twitter. Unfortunately, a VPN won’t help you much here.

Whenever you use a personal social network account your data is stored on the network’s server. That means there are many ways to track you down besides your IP address. Facebook tracks the actual device you use. The key thing to understand here is that you may think your Facebook and Twitter usage is secure, but it is not.

Trying to hide criminal activity such as pirating copyrighted material or “torrenting” is something else most VPN’s will not condone. Remember, breaking the law is breaking the law. If it is illegal it doesn’t matter if you break it on or offline.

There are ways, however, that a VPN can help you in the United States. A VPN can hide your real IP address and give you a degree of anonymity when doing searches. Remember, Snowden revealed that the NSA monitors Google also. Some search terms may trigger observation, who knows, but why take the risk? The searches you perform on Google are your personal business, and many people just don’t want the government snooping around in the things they choose to view online.

This isn’t a moral issue. Right and wrong is not for us to decide, and if you are searching things online that you shouldn’t be searching then you are responsible for that.  But what if you are a gay man or woman who is searching on coming out of the closet or attempting to locate a gay and lesbian social network? Is it right that the NSA or any government should be able to monitor those searches and tie them to your IP address? Shouldn’t you have the right to decide what is revealed about your personal life? Edward Snowden taught us that everything about your life is fair game in cyberspace.

How law-abiding citizens use a VPN

Another thing we can learn from Edward Snowden is that Internet monitoring doesn’t just get done on criminals. According to Snowden, the NSA monitors law-abiding citizens as well. This brings up an interesting question: how do law-abiding citizens use a VPN? Why do they use one?

Protecting personal data from information thieves is one major reason for using a VPN. Here’s the deal: there are only two types of networks you can really trust when it comes to keeping your data safe. The first is the network you use at home, provided you use the proper safeguards and restrict usage to your household members. The other is a VPN.

Whenever you connect to a public network like the one at your favorite coffee shop, the one provided by the hotel you are staying at, or the one at the library, your data is potentially at risk. Anyone on that network might be able to access your personal information. Would you walk up to a complete stranger and ask them to hold your wallet while you went to the bathroom? Probably not, but this is basically what you are doing when you use an unsecured public network.

A VPN gives law-abiding citizens the power to protect their personal data. In fact, using a VPN is the responsible thing to do. It is just as responsible as locking up your valuables in a safe.

Your right to use a VPN

What is really at issue in the case of Edward Snowden is your personal right to retain a level of anonymity online, a cyberghost. Many people would argue that the intrusion of governments upon the Internet activities of citizens treads upon an individual’s basic liberties, especially in the United States.

Snowden is a powerful reminder that, even in a country where the very Constitution guarantees personal freedom, it is still the responsibility of each individual to exercise their freedom. You have to make the choice to exercise your right to keep your data protected, and a VPN allows you to do that. If you do nothing, then you are potentially at risk and there is no one else to blame when your rights are violated.

The real lesson we can learn from Edward Snowden is that we take our Internet freedom for granted. We assume that governments will always play fair, and he has proven that they do not. Purchasing a VPN account is one way to assume the responsibility for your online safety and take back your Internet freedom.

You can check out Edwards twitter profile here

3 Steps to use VPN


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Orkut & Accessing Orkut When Blocked

unblock orkut with a vpn Orkut is a social networking site created by Orkut Büyükkökten, a Google employee. Google is now the most widely used search engine in the United States, and Orkut owes it’s success to Google’s previous accomplishments. Although, not as popular in the United States as Facebook and Myspace, the majority of their users are from India and Brazil. Nearly 50% of Orkut users are from Brazil, and the reasoning behind this saturation of Brazilian users is simple. Language barriers.

Previously, in order to be a member of Orkut you had to have an invitation. By word of mouth, Brazilians began sending more invites to their friends and established a much higher concentration of Portuguese pages. English speaking users became frustrated with their inability to read the Portuguese (Brazilian) pages and left the site. Social networking sites usually follow only one dominant language, and Portuguese has become the language of the Orkut social networking site. In fact, Orkut is now the most popular Website in all of Brazil.

If you have an account with Google you are already signed up with Orkut. It won’t be long before other social networking sites adopt this feature as well. Signing up for a new social networking site every week is tedious and time consuming.. Combining one sign up to span multiple sites promotes a more enjoyable social networking experience. If you have a Google account, just visit Orkut and log in, it’s that simple.

The features of Orkut are unique in comparison to other social networking sites because of it’s direct integration with Google. Users of Google GTalk will be pleased to know of the correlation between Orkut and GTalk. Chatting, sharing files, and adding new friends on GTalk is much easier through this embedded functionality.

The communities in Orkut are very popular, allowing users to create groups centered around specific subjects. This allows for a concentrated and more organized form of learning when dealing with large amounts of information. Groups centered around many subjects can be found within Orkut, and there is a lot of information on specific topics.

Orkut has been plagued with legal issues stemming from various censorship efforts. Miscellaneous other predicaments have made Orkut a dangerous Website to surf without having virus and spyware protection. Viruses, Trojans, and worms are highly prevalent on the site. Many undesirables are trying to throw a proverbial spoon in the gears of the social networking revolution.

In some countries, Orkut is not able to be accessed because of current network settings. A VPN virtual private network account allows full access to the Internet regardless of current Internet configurations. Using a VPN connection, everything you do will be anonymous and encrypted via our servers located around the world. You would be able to access bocked websites and if YouTube is blocked you can unblock Orkut.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


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YouTube & Accessing YouTube When Blocked

unblock youtube with a vpn account YouTube is notoriously popular. Created in 2005 by three former Paypal employees, YouTube is now one of the most famous streaming video sites ever created. To give you an idea about the immensity of YouTube, there are now 100 million viewers and 14.8 billion videos viewed to date.

YouTube is a multi-faceted video exhibition that focuses primarily on movies, music, education, and independent creativity. Enriching the lives of countless numbers of viewers, it continues to shine as an advantageous and lucrative content exhibition. YouTube originally established itself through public notoriety and serves as a valuable source of demographic information. Commonly searched keyword statistics depict what consumers want to see and the ever changing interests of the world. Demographics present YouTube with insight they need to create suitable content and cater to popular interests.

This video and audio content network is incredibly easy to use and master within minutes. The strong point of this network is in it’s size and simplicity, easily allowing anyone with computer video footage to upload and share their life with the world. Sadly, many people abuse the freedom of YouTube and upload various forms of copyrighted content. This copyright infringement is uncontrollable in a free for all content medium such as YouTube. So, YouTube had to get crafty.

Advertising on YouTube has recently been introduced at the bottom of the videos, primarily instrumented because of copyrighted material being blatantly broadcasted on the site. With billions of ten minute videos being viewed, it was decided to generate additional revenue from the site. Since the introduction of this newly constructed advertising method, popular musicians are demanding they receive their cut. With top performing advertisements creating six figure incomes, it is the majorities opinion the artists should recieve the lion’s share of this newfound revenue.

What’s next for YouTube? With modern technology and increasing collaboration of electronics, you may soon see a more interactive YouTube. Interactivity and instant gratification play a huge role in all lives, on and off the Internet. If there is a way to have more fun, make more money, and increase levels of overall satisfaction, it’s going to happen. Watching a video while simultaneously interacting with it’s surroundings represents uncharted market territory. Interactivity wins over recorded content a million fold, and it’s only a matter of time before seeing this technology is commonplace. Meaning, the possibility exists but has yet to be capitalized by a subscriber base as large as YouTube’s.

In some countries of the world, videos on YouTube are a banned form of viewable content. Censorship structure, designed for the common good of their countries, see YouTube as a means to create insubordination and political or religious slander. Countries with these censorship restrictions view the majority of todays content to be a crime against God as well as their way of life. Using a VPN connection, everything you do will be anonymous and encrypted via our servers located around the world. You would be able to access bocked sites and if YouTube is blocked you can unblock YouTube using

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


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Connect & Enjoy: Internet Freedom, Privacy & security. Purchase your VPN today!

Stumbleupon & Accessing Stumbleupon When Blocked

vpn to unblock stumbleupon Stumbleupon is an Internet community that is gaining popularity. A supremely effective and informative way to find new information, Stumbleupon allows users to rate and discover new websites, photos, and videos based on a rating system. This information discovery system has revolutionized the way some Internet users find new information. Stumbleupon is not accessible in specific countries due to current network configurations, and that’s a shame. This site is a diamond in the rough.

Stumbleupon operates using various methods of function for the user. The choice is always optional to rate and stumbleupon new websites. It is not a requirement to rate or stumble but doing so helps the site to establish what content will benefit users, and what content will not. The Stumble feature is like the Internet’s equivalent of “channel surfing”.

Users may choose from a list of 500 topics to display that amasses information pertinent to the users interests. More than likely, Stumbleupon users will find information on topics they have forgotten about, reigniting their passion for researching them. That is one of the funnest features and the core idea behind the site itself. Discovering the highest rated and most effective form of information is on every web searchers wish list. Stumbleupon grants this wish and provides more unique features than standard search engines.

When a user browses the list of 500 topics, the possibility of generating revenue through purchasing is highly likely. When finding a lost interest, they more often than not rekindle their desire and motivation to pursue it.

Trusting in other members of stumbleupon is actually quite reliable. Instead of using a standard search engine spider and index system, the Webpage listings are dictated entirely by user ratings. Using a classic search engine’s automated system to determine which pages hold front page listings is not an effective way to index pages.

As a unique business model, Stumbleupon shows great promise in it’s future endeavors. Considering they were brave enough to spend their capital on taking their chances their Stumbleupon site would succeed, it is more than likely they will make similar expenditures when expanding their site to include new features. The future of Stumbleupon will be an exciting one indeed. Using our VPN services you would be able to unblock skype and if Stumbleupon is blocked you can unblock Stumbleupon when your ISP is blocking the website.

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Twitter not loading in China

Source June 2 2009 WSJ

Twitterers around China are reporting that the popular micro-blogging site appears to be blocked, the first time the site has been widely inaccessible to users in the country.

Twitter users began reporting difficulty getting on the site late on Tuesday afternoon in China, just days ahead of the sensitive 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. Twitterers said access was still possible through some Twitter clients, such as Tweetdeck, but users trying to access their accounts through other clients, such as Twhirl, said they also encountered problems.

In the past, Twitter has proved remarkably free of interference. It gained prominence in China during the immediate aftermath of last year’s big earthquake in Sichuan.

But in recent weeks, activist groups have reported a tightening of security in China, linking it to the upcoming Tiananmen anniversary. Human Rights in China, based in New York, said Tuesday that authorities have detained an elderly freelance writer from Taizhou in Zhejiang province, who published an open letter to China’s top leaders recently asking for equal rights and social security for ex-Tiananmen Square prisoners. (China’s Ministry of Public Security deferred requests for comment to Taizhou’s local public security bureau, which declined to answer any questions). The controls also appear to be spreading to the Internet, though it’s always difficult to tell whether a site has been purposely blocked or whether other technical problems may be to blame.

The Chinese government doesn’t comment on specific access issues, but sites such as YouTube and Flickr are intermittently unavailable to users in China, especially around important government meetings or anniversaries. YouTube has been blocked for several weeks in China, according to reports on Harvard University’s Herdict Web. Users in China also reported that Flickr was inaccessible on Tuesday afternoon.

True to form, Twitterers quickly adopted a hash tag for Tweets on the service’s problems: #twitterblock. Users also pushed #gfw, which stands for “great firewall,” into the top trending topics on Tuesday.

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Twitter & Accessing Twitter When Blocked

Unblock twitter with a VPN account Created in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter strikes a unique pose in the aggressively growing field of social networking. Twitter gained it’s notoriety because of the frequent usage of their SMS service, able to send small messages instantaneously between users. A maximum of 140 characters can be used in these short messages, commonly called “tweets”. SMS is Twitter’s functional strong point and most frequently used to communicate when timing is critical.

Because of the explosive growth factor involved in social networking development, Twitter has raised an unprecedented 57 million dollars in venture capital. Using venture capital is a fairly simple concept. People who invest in these aggressively growing markets like Twitter hope to gain a return on their investment through advertising. Once the site reaches it’s peak in membership numbers and activity frequency, the site can be sold and turned over to a larger, more suitable development team. Backed by companies with larger revenues, the expansions and improvements made to the site will become epically advantageous to it’s users. The evolution of the sites functionality and improvement will be based solely upon user demand.

Superstars use Twitter! Yes it’s true! Superstars like Britney Spears, Stephen Fry, Ellen DeGeneres, Ashton Kutcher, and more use Twitter to build world class Internet followings. Ashton Kutcher alone has over one million unique followers. Twitter has powerful sway in the field of social networking through its snowballing member base.

Twitter is now the third most popular social network, receiving nearly 6 million unique visits each month. As far as the SMS market is concerned, Twitter is at the top of the food chain. Twitter represents the opportunity to revolutionize Internet SMS messaging. Because they are now recognized as the service to use for SMS communication, future developments should revolve around perfecting their current functionality, not expanding to include services and functions they cannot dominate the market with.

The future of Twitter is being discussed by authorities in the field of technological development across the globe. Every idea you can think of has been suggested and reviewed by the eyes of Twitter personnel. Some of the more likely changes in Twitter’s future include the ability to follow companies like Wal-Mart and American Airlines in order to receive special pricing and new product introductions. Using a simple key stroke, people can “follow” nearly any company in the world with a presence on the Internet. A danger looms in the presence of attempting to use social networks as a full fledged advertising market. Twitter users may blackball entire retail organizations because of annoying and all too prevalent Internet marketing efforts. Big business companies attempting to use Twitter as a revenue source should follow some well known marketing etiquette, know when to say when.

Sadly, certain countries outside the scope of the USA have censorship regulations preventing access to sites like Twitter. It would be a shame for them to miss out on the fun of technological symmetry. Using a VPN account, everything you do will be anonymous and encrypted via our servers located around the world. You would be able to access bocked sites and if Twitter is blocked you can unblock Twitter. Buy a VPN, easy to use.

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