Myanmar to Block VPN and Cryptocurrency

The military of Myanmar has renewed its efforts to ban the use of VPNs and cryptocurrencies. Although a similar measure failed in 2021, the new efforts by the Myanmar military junta may be gaining more support.

Those located in Myanmar may soon find themselves unable to use a VPN to connect to Facebook. The social media platform is used by many in Myanmar for inexpensive communication. Individuals would also be prohibited from using Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

Myanmar’s Opposition to Digital Currency and VPN

In Myanmar the military wields considerable power. It is able to suggest various measures that have an impact on existing law. Once such measure was approved by Soe Thein, a military communications secretary in January of 2022. The signing was followed by a period of public commenting which lasted until January 28, 2022.

Under the proposed measure, individuals caught using a VPN would face from one to three years in prison with a fine equivalent to $2,800 USD. The penalties for using cryptocurrencies are similar. The same fine applies, and the prison sentence is from six months to one year.

There is also an addendum to the bill which would require all VPN service providers to maintain and turn over logs to the military. This could mean that many VPN providers will choose to stop serving individuals in Myanmar. Reputable providers do not tend to keep or reveal user data to authorities.

The full implementation of these laws will result in nothing less than a complete Myanmar VPN ban.

How Individuals Use VPN in Myanmar

In Myanmar many individuals rely on Facebook as a communications platform. They use the service to maintain contact with friends and family that might be out of the country. It is a much more affordable alternative for most people because telecommunications can be very expensive in Myanmar.

VPN for messaging and other Internet activities also offers a measure of protection for those who are concerned with spying and data theft. When one is connected to an app or a service with a VPN, the ISP cannot observe the activities of the user. It can only see that the user is connected.

VPNs are useful in bypassing restrictions and blocks that are used to prevent access to certain websites. Like many other governments, Myanmar has been known to block websites and engage in Internet censorship. When a user connects to a VPN they are able to hide or obfuscate their actual IP address. It is replaced with the IP address of the VPN server.

Cryptocurrency Use in Myanmar

Bitcoin and other digital assets known as cryptocurrency are both popular and controversial. First introduced in 2009, Bitcoin has gone through various periods of highs and lows on its way to becoming an accepted type of currency. Many people use Bitcoin today to pay for services, but some countries remain opposed to the currency because of its decentralized nature. In short, Bitcoin has the power to let individuals circumvent banks and complete financial transactions with more privacy.

Myanmar has taken the position of some other governments by opposing Bitcoin on a regulatory standpoint. The government does not see the benefit in a currency that it cannot track or control. This is why it has sought to ban cryptocurrency in all its forms.

This ban would also mean that cryptocurrency exchanges in the country would not be permitted. This has also happened in places like China.

Are You Using a VPN and Cryptocurrency Today?

Are you among the many people in the world today that regularly use a VPN and cryptocurrency? The good news is that you can safely use either in most areas of the world. VPNs are still recommended for those who care about their Internet privacy, and Bitcoin continues to gain acceptance.

We encourage you to check out the VPN plans that we offer. Our service is affordable and reliable, and we have servers in many locations throughout the world. You can use VPN for Binance too!

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


Enjoy VPNEnjoy the benefits of a VPN today.

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Use a VPN to Mine Crypto

crypto mining facility

There is no getting around the fact that cryptocurrency is a hot commodity right now. Although many people dismissed it as a fad when it was created in 2009, Bitcoin has stood the test of time. New Bitcoin are still being mined, and many people have asked if a VPN can be used to mine crypto. It pays to be safe if you want to be involved with cryptocurrency.

What we will tell you upfront is that the cost of mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has pretty much been pushed beyond limits of profitability for a single individual. With repeated halvings, Bitcoin has become more costly to mine. There are substantial energy requirements, and no guarantee that you will succeed. Most mining today is essentially done by commercial mining farms.

With that being said, the question that we are trying to address here is how using a VPN relates to crypto mining. Let’s start with explaining why crypto mining or trading can make you a target.

Why Do Hackers Target Crypto Miners?

There were more than a few people who laughed at the idea of a decentralized digital currency when a simple whitepaper by a person using the name Satoshi Nakamoto proposed Bitcoin in 2009. The people who have since made a fortune from Bitcoin trading are the ones laughing now. Bitcoin and other crypto tokens are a genuine asset class. The price of a single Bitcoin passed $60,000 in 2021. Imagine the days when you could have bought the token for a few dollars.

With that kind of value, no one should be surprised that hackers attack those who try to mine, buy, or sell Bitcoin. They know that some individual miners try and use the same equipment they use for investing in crypto to browse the Internet. This creates a problem.

ISPs, mobile devices, and social media networks can be targets for any hackers wanting to try and gain access to a cryptocurrency wallet. While generally considered secure, wallets to hold cryptocurrency can come from a number of sources. One of these are the numerous exchanges that allow individuals to buy and sell tokens.

A VPN can be useful to help prevent others from spying on your online activities. It allows you to browse anonymously, so no one can really see that you are visiting websites like Coinbase or Kraken. On the other hand, if you start bragging on Facebook about the big Bitcoin trade you made there is little to prevent others from knowing that you probably use your device for crypto storage and investing.

What Are the Risks to Your System When Mining Cryptocurrency?

Here again we need to make the distinction between mining cryptocurrency and investing in crypto. The use of a personal computer for Bitcoin mining is simply no longer feasible. Those who mine crypto now use specialized mining rigs.

But, the crypto that is mined with a rig has to be deposited somewhere. That somewhere is a cryptocurrency wallet, which may or may not be maintained on your device. If someone knows that you mine that could make your device a target as someone tries to gain access to your crypto wallet.

There are ways around this. Some people prefer not to store cryptocurrency on a device. They use a wallet provided by an exchange, or they use a hardware wallet that essentially keeps the crypto stored offline.

When you go online without some type of protection, you are potentially giving someone access to your device. This is especially true if you are using unsecured networks. Using a VPN account gives you an added level of protection that goes beyond crypto. It also can help to keep all of your data safe, and it also covers your tracks when you are using the Internet.

The Blockchain Offers Security As Well

It should also be pointed out that blockchain technology is designed to be a more secure way of making financial transactions. There is no way to alter a block on a blockchain without changing the entire chain. This is one of the reasons that many people have pointed to Bitcoin as a more safe type of currency.

But the blockchain does not protect your device. It does not protect your mining rig from hacks and attempts to deliver malware. You still need protection for your device in the form of a VPN. It can be used on either your device or on your router to protect multiple devices.

Be Truthful and Address Your Weak Points

The start to making a good plan for your crypto mining security and general Internet privacy is to evaluate your weak points and take action. Are you sharing too much personal information on Facebook about crypto mining and investing? Are you using unsecured public WiFi? Do others share your home network? You need to be able to address all these potential privacy issues.

A VPN from is an affordable way to browse anonymously. We have a vast network of servers throughout the world. There are also many other benefits that come from using a VPN. You can unblock restricted content while you are traveling abroad, bank more securely, and even use your gaming console with privacy.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


Enjoy VPNEnjoy the benefits of a VPN today.

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At Least 39 Vpns Are Tracking Your Internet Activity

The reason that most people invest in a VPN is because they want to feel safer online. has discovered a disturbing fact. Some VPN providers are giving their clients the opposite of internet privacy by logging user data. We found that at least 39 VPNs and possibly many more keep logs and track your Internet activity. We are not among those who engage in this practice.

These VPNs Could Be Compromising Your Safety

We tried to compile a complete list of VPNs that keep logs of user data. It was very difficult to do so. We will try to update these findings as more information becomes available to us. For now you should know that each provider on this list has at some point produced logs of user data. The really bad thing about the list is that most of those on it claim that they do not keep logs. Here are the guilty ones:

  • HotSpot Shield
  • Sabre VPN
  • HideMyAss
  • Hola
  • Psiphon
  • Seed4Me
  • Hotspot VPN
  • Safe Connect VPN
  • Betternet
  • Browsec VPN
  • Unlocator
  • Hoxx VPN
  • Touch VPN
  • Kaspersky VPN
  • VPNHub
  • X-VPN
  • VPN In Touch
  • HexaTech
  • Hide My IP
  • VPN AC
  • Encrypt Me
  • Buffered
  • Astrill
  • Bitdefender VPN
  • F-Secure Freedome
  • AppVPN
  • OvpnSpider
  • Speedify
  • TigerVPN
  • ThunderVPN
  • VPN360
  • Ace VPN
  • Opera VPN
  • UltraSurf
  • DotVPN
  • ZenMate
  • TurboVPN
  • VPN Gate

Do you use one of these VPN services? If so you could be putting your private data at risk. Maybe it is time that you thought about changing your VPN provider.

As disturbing as this list is there is an even more upsetting side to the findings. You may have been duped into getting a free VPN that was provided with a web browser, antivirus program, or other service. Are these VPNs better than a paid service? You might be surprised to know that some of them are on the above list.

VPNs With Antivirus Programs and Broswers

On the above list you will see that Opera, Kaspersky, and BitDefender all offer VPNs that keep logs of your browsing activity. Do you use one of these services? Many people use Opera as a browser for their mobile device. Many people use Kaspersky and BitDefender for antivirus and malware protection.

These companies are trying to lure new business by adding a VPN to their existing service. They claim it is “free” and included with the main product. All the while these companies are collecting your user data. Some of them are using it to sell you other products while others are selling the data they collect to a third-party.

Why You Should Choose a No-Log VPN

The whole point of having a VPN is to keep your Internet activity private. It is no one’s business but yours which websites you look at, which services you use, or anything else you do online. You might also want to be able to view things online without tracking cookies revealing every little thing you do. Privacy is the number one reason most people choose to use a VPN.

When a VPN provider logs your data this creates a big problem for your security. Those logs can potentially be used against you. If a VPN provider is served a subpoena for the logs of user activity they will have no choice but to turn them over. A VPN provider that does not log your data has no logs to turn over, even if they are required to do so.

You should always insist on buying your VPN from a provider that does not keep logs of user data. is among those who do not. Contact us today so that we can help you with VPN service. You will find that we offer plans that are right for every budget.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


Enjoy VPNEnjoy the benefits of a VPN today.

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Connect & Enjoy: Internet Freedom, Privacy & security. Purchase your VPN today!


Are you familiar with Bitcoin? Ethereum? How about Ripple? Anyone that has access to the Internet or television news channels would find it hard to avoid discussions of digital assets. Hailed as an anonymous way to conduct financial transactions, cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm. Those who buy them or trade them on exchanges like Kraken will find that using a VPN has some advantages when it comes to digital coins.

Is Bitcoin Really Anonymous?

The anonymity of Bitcoin is somewhat overblown. People have the impression that you can purchase and spend Bitcoin without revealing any personal information. After all, Bitcoin was the preferred currency of the infamous Silk Road where web surfers purchased drugs and solicited hitmen.

Yes, that is true. But where are those people and their vast fortune of Bitcoin now? In the hands of the authorities. Understanding the truth about Bitcoin’s anonymity will help you see where a VPN could come in handy.

Bitcoin relies on something known as a blockchain to manage transactions between individuals. Other coins like Ripple and Litecoin also use blockchain technology. A blockchain is simply a listing of transactions on a cryptocurrency’s network. These transactions are encrypted, hence the name given to digital coins.

To purchase Bitcoin, you need to have a Bitcoin wallet. A wallet is essentially nothing more than a secure web address. You can obtain one without providing any personal data, so there is nothing to link you to the wallet, and you are the only one who has access to it. Until you use it, that is.

As researchers at MIT pointed out, the moment you use Bitcoin to make a purchase it is possible that your anonymity has been compromised. Merchants keep records. Those records may include your name and address, both of which are connected to your Bitcoin wallet. Now, you have left a paper trail. It will be easy enough to follow. Just ask Ross Ulbricht. At the time the authorities caught up with Ulbricht, he had amassed a fortune of $28.5 million. Most of that money was made anonymously.

What About Cryptocurrency Exchanges?

For starters, you can forget about an anonymous cryptocurrency exchange account. That is not going to happen. You will be required to verify your identity before the account can be opened. An exchange is a financial market where individuals buy and sell digital assets.

Some countries restrict access to Bitcoin exchanges. Both China and South Korea have made attempts to ban trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. If you happen to be a resident of those nations, your options are very limited when it comes to trading coins.

How Can VPN Help with Cryptocurrency?

A VPN is one of the best measures you can take to safeguard your Internet privacy. A VPN creates a tunnel or gatekeeper between you and your ISP. When you access the Internet with a VPN, your IP address is hidden in a fashion. Anyone looking would only see the IP address of the VPN server. That server could be located in another country. Therefore, your identity and location can be hidden.

Let’s say that you wanted to create a cryptocurrency exchange account in China or South Korea. Impossible. The exchanges will note your location based on your IP address and they will prevent you from signing up. But, if you were to use a VPN to indicate that you were in the United States, sign up would be possible. Just use the US server on your VPN to connect to the exchange. It will appear that you are in the United States.

Granted, you still have to verify the account you create. We’re going to leave all that up to your imagination. We’ve already gone farther than we wanted to go, and we’re not encouraging anyone to break the law. We are only illustrating that doing this would be possible with a VPN.

Now, what about those people who have a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange account? Let’s say that John Doe lives in the United States and likes to trade Bitcoin. He opens and exchange account and begins to trade. A few months later, Mr. Doe is sent to China by his company as an expat who will be working in the Asian region for an undetermined amount of time. When he arrives, he finds out that he cannot trade on his exchange because the exchange is blocked by ISPs in China.

Can you imagine how stressed our Bitcoin investor would be if he had to watch prices rise or fall without a way to trade? He could lose his whole investment. But he wouldn’t have to endure this stress if he remembered to order VPN service before leaving the United States. Once in China, all he would need to do is open up his VPN, connect to the US server, and connect to his favorite Bitcoin exchange. The exchange would never know he wasn’t at home.

Improving the Privacy of the Blockchain

VPNs can even be used when you create a Bitcoin wallet and make purchases with cryptocurrencies. Doing this would actually increase the privacy of the blockchain. There are many applications where VPNs and digital assets make a good match.

Cryptocurrencies might not yet be perfect in their protection of private data, but the blockchain is still one of the strongest methods of security for financial transactions. When combined with a VPN, blockchains can become almost impenetrable.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


Enjoy VPNEnjoy the benefits of a VPN today.

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Connect & Enjoy: Internet Freedom, Privacy & security. Purchase your VPN today!