Demand for VPN Service Will Double This Year

Demad for VPN In just a few short years the number of VPN providers has grown from around five to over 200, making VPN technology one of the hottest trends in IT. Accurate statistics on the number of VPN users throughout the world are virtually impossible to obtain because usage is growing exponentially. With more and more people jumping on the VPN bandwagon, there are few things you need to understand about this rapid boom and how to proceed wisely in choosing your VPN service.

Why are VPN’s becoming so popular?

There is no short answer to this question. There are a few reasons which account for the growth in the VPN market.

First of all, the world is becoming far more globally connected. In today’s world it is not uncommon for workers to expatriate to other countries where the economy is good and job opportunities abound. Take China as an example. For years, China has used many foreign workers in various industries. The demand is especially high for college-educated citizens of the West, who are often recruited to bring their skills and expertise to China. Similar situations exist in many parts of the world.

A difficulty encountered by many people working in a foreign country is keeping the lines of communication open and staying connected to their life at home. Using China again as an example, foreign workers will find it impossible to use many Internet services unless they have a VPN. You can’t even stream a free video with your US-based Amazon Prime account without a VPN in China.

As a side note, if you are preparing to reside in a country such as China for an extended period of time you need to purchase your VPN service now. Many VPN providers are blocked once you enter the Chinese mainland.

The second reason VPN’s are growing in popularity is that people are more conscious of security than they were even five years ago. The average Internet user is becoming more sophisticated in how they access the Web, and they are more concerned about using connections that are not secured with encryption.

Given the recent news about snooping in the USA, their concerns are valid. Facebook just released a report which states that private data was requested on over 38,000 users. Granted, logging into your Facebook can compromise your security regardless of a VPN, but the point here is that governments are actively monitoring the usage of the Internet. If Facebook received 38,000 requests, you can be sure Google received five times that number for data on routine Internet searches.

Some people don’t take the invasion of their privacy lightly, and so they are turning to VPN’s for secure and anonymous browsing.

VPN’s and mobile technology

The single-most important reason why the world is seeing a sharp increase in the use of VPN’s could be because more people are now using mobile technology to access the Internet.

The iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms are being used to a great extent for Internet browsing. The advent of the tablet, like the iPad or Samsung GalaxyTab, makes Web access more accessible to those on the go.

Because many of these users connect to public WiFi networks with their device, using a VPN has become a priority. There are multiple security concerns present on unsecured public networks, and people don’t want to risk exposure of sensitive data.

Why you need to get a VPN now

If you are thinking about using a VPN account to secure your Internet browsing, it is in your best interests to obtain that service now instead of waiting.

More VPN providers do not equal better VPN service. Remember that. Whenever a technology gets hot, multiple providers appear on the radar screen overnight. The increased number of VPN providers will make it harder for someone to select one that can be trusted, and there are a lot of things in the trust arena which merit serious questions.

Some fly-by-night VPN services log their traffic. Some of them charge higher amounts for limited usage. Some of them use outdated methods of securing your connection. Anyone can hastily throw together a server and offer VPN service, and you will see that happen as the demand grows, but those deals that seem too good to be true usually are.

A far better option is to build a relationship with your trusted VPN provider now. is customer-oriented and happy to answer all of the questions you have about VPN service. Additionally, you can save a lot of money by purchasing your VPN service by the year with us. You won’t have to worry about your rates going up from one month to the next.

In short, finding a trusted VPN provider is going to become more difficult as more providers enter the market.

As we mentioned earlier, it is also imperative that you get a VPN now if you are planning on traveling. Trust us; it ranks in importance right up there with your Passport when thinking about essentials for travel. Many people have arrived in a foreign locale, only to find they had no way to purchase a VPN because sites offering them were blocked.

Avoid VPN price hikes due to popularity

Whenever something becomes more popular, people want to charge more for it. Technology is especially bad in this regard. You can believe that prices for VPN service will increase at some point, but you still have the opportunity to purchase a VPN today for pennies. It is also important to remember that paying a higher price doesn’t always guarantee better service.

Economic good sense would dictate locking in a reasonable price for as long as you could. As we mentioned, we offer a yearly option that will save you money and guarantee a fixed rate for the coming year. We also have monthly plans to fit every budget if you don’t want to go the yearly route.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


Enjoy VPNEnjoy the benefits of a VPN today.

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