What is Your VPN Privacy Worth?

In selecting a service to provide you with the peace of mind and security that comes from a VPN it is always necessary to consider the cost. While there are many so-called “free” VPNs to choose from, free doesn’t always equate to genuine value. Where a VPN is concerned you most often get what you pay for.

Paying for VPN technology shouldn’t cause you much concern, especially when the services provided by VPNaccounts.com are so affordable. To put things in perspective, let’s compare the cost of data breaches and the exposure of your personal browsing data with the cost of a VPN.

The high cost of security breaches

In 2012, victims of identity theft suffered more than $24.7 billion dollars in direct and indirect losses from crimes involving identity theft. That is a scary number, but it is made even worse when you compare it with the $14 million dollars lost by victims of conventional theft during the same time period. It should be apparent from studying these numbers that the potential damage from having your private data stolen or snooped is far greater than the potential damage of being robbed or having your personal property taken.

In the United States alone, 16.6 million residents were the victims of identity theft at least once in 2012. To put that number in perspective, New York City has a population of just over 8.4 million people. We know you can do the math but that means that the victims of identity theft in the United States are roughly to equal to twice the number of people in New York City. Are you getting a little bit nervous right now because you aren’t using a VPN? You should be.

The most often reported cases of identity theft involved banking and credit card information. Typically, a financial institution is the one that recognizes data has been stolen, but this often happens too late. The damage has been done. The average loss for victims of identity theft in 2012 was $9,650. Take just a moment and do a little more math. How many paychecks do you have to earn in order to make $9,650?

The low cost of a VPN

Now, let’s do a little comparison with the numbers we just mentioned. At VPN-accounts.com you can purchase an entire year of VPN service for just $97 per year. The difference between the cost of being an identity theft victim and a year of VPN service is $9,553. For just $97 you can virtually prevent yourself from losing $9,650.

Again, let’s put that number in perspective. For just $0.27 cents per day…less than it costs you to operate the very computer you are using to read this article…you can have the peace of mind that comes from knowing your personal data and browsing activities are safe and secure. The question you have to ask yourself right now is, “Is my personal security worth $0.27 cents per day?”

A word about “free” VPN and proxies

You need to be very careful about using VPN services or proxies that are promoted as free. We could beat around the bush here but we’ll be blunt: nothing in life is free. If you are using a free VPN or proxy, make no mistake…you are paying a price somewhere. That price could come from spyware or other malicious content being downloaded to your system, a reduction in connection speed, or even the selling of your browsing data to marketing companies! That doesn’t make sense. People use a VPN to prevent their data from being accessed by third-parties, and many free VPN providers do that very thing by selling it for a profit.

If you use a browser-based proxy server or free VPN you may even be at a greater risk than if you use nothing at all. We don’t apologize for our low-priced VPN accounts. Instead, we understand that those who are really concerned about security can do the math we provided in this article and they realize the value our services provide.

Start using a VPN today

The numbers associated with identity theft and the cost of having your data stolen are only going to get worse as time goes on. Recovering from identity theft can sometimes take months or even years, but reclaiming your identity and preventing future monetary loss is just the start of it. What about your reputation? It can take far longer to repair that.

Thankfully, you can start using a VPN from VPN-accounts.com in just a few minutes after you finish reading this article. We will process your order immediately and forward you the credentials you need in order to secure your personal data. The setup process is easy and we are here to help with any questions you may have.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


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