How to Use Skype in Oman

Skype VPN

skypeblocked One of our many website visitors recently emailed asking us how to connect Skype in Oman. It seems that his wife recently began working in the Arab region. Being a seasoned expat, Skype is something she’s used frequently in the past to communicate with her husband in the States. Upon arriving in Oman she encountered the Internet restrictions that are so prevalent in the region. Buy a vpn, bypass censorship and restrictions.

This is a common enough tale, and many people don’t realize Skype is blocked in Oman until they arrive. VoIP is possible in this area, but visitors need to know how to use Skype in Oman.

When was Skype blocked in Oman?

In 2009, the Royal Oman Police (ROP) initiated a raid against 121 cyber cafes resulting in 212 arrests for providing VoIP services such as Skype. Since that time, Oman has enforced a strict “no Skype” policy and also banned similar sites.

An attempt was made in 2012 to clarify the telecommunications laws made by the Omani Sultanate, but there has been no change in the restrictive policies which prohibit Internet users from accessing Skype.

The initial reason for the ban on Skype was that the ability to make free or cheap International calls put a serious dent in the coffers of Oman’s telecommunications industry. The state monopoly on communications is put in place to guarantee the Sultanate profits from expensive International calling services. The Sultanate knows how many expats reside in Oman, and they know how important it is for them to make International calls.

The Necessity of VPN in Oman

The Omani restrictions, out of necessity, prompted many expats to explore how to connect Skype in Oman. The answer was found in VPN technology which can restore access to Skype and a host of other restricted websites.

These days, it is not enough to know how to use Skype in Oman. One also needs to know where to seek out the best VPN providers. Many fly-by-night operations have sprung up in the wake of these blocks, and not all of them are good options. VPN customers need to be aware of things like connection speed and available servers before they commit to a purchase.

To assist expats and other residents of Oman obtain the best VPN service, is happy to respond to emails like the one we mentioned at the beginning of this article. We know that you may have some questions before you decide to purchase a VPN from us. You may want to check out our FAQ or Setup Guide before you choose one of the plans we offer.

It is possible, within a very short period of time, to configure your VPN and restore access to Skype in Oman.

3 Steps to use VPN


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Who put the smackdown on Skype in Oman?

use skype in oman Posts like this one are becoming far more common on the Skype forums: “I live in Canada and have been trying to Skype my husband who is working in Oman. Every time he tries to log into his Skype account he gets an error message. Why is there no Skype in Oman?”

Those who don’t know that Skype is blocked in Oman will soon figure it out upon arriving in this Arab nation. It can be a rude awakening, especially for expats who have few options for communicating with their family at home. Using Skype in Oman is possible, but visitors need to make some preparations beforehand to ensure access.

Who is blocking Skype, and why?

In Oman the ISP’s are directly controlled by the Omani government, and they take VoIP applications like Skype very seriously. In 2009, the Royal Oman Police raided 121 cyber cafes and arrested over 200 people for providing access to Skype and other VoIP services. You read that right—arrested. As in jail. A jail cell in Oman does not conjure up pleasant images.

So, why does the government in Oman hate Skype? Simply put, they feel that it undermines their handle on national security. People in Oman can forget about cheap international calls via Skype. The Omani regime considers this technology a prime stomping ground for terrorists.

You also have to consider that the government is highly involved in all telecommunications provided in Oman. Every penny saved using Skype is a penny that does not go into the government coffers. A very different mentality about what one can and cannot do on the Internet exists throughout the entirety of the Arab region, and tolerance is very low for those who choose to disobey the rules.

How are people beating the Skype smackdown?

Some websites have ill-advised those in Oman to use proxy servers to beat the Skype ban. This is a huge mistake. Most proxy servers do not sustain the speed necessary to enable VoIP phone calls. Those who are getting around the block on Skype are doing it with a VPN account, just like the one we offer.

VPN’s maintain a connection speed that will allow VoIP communication as well as the sharing of files and photos. The trick is making sure a VPN is purchased and configured before arriving in the region simply because the site with the guide may be blocked. If you happen to be in the region and unable to access the VPN setup guide we can email you a copy. The government actively blocks access to VPN provider sites like ours from within the country. Many people arrive in Oman unaware that they will not be able to purchase VPN service.

If you are going to use Skype in Oman, stay away from the more crowded cyber cafes and always use a VPN. Don’t say you weren’t warned! When con nected to the VPN, your online activities are anonymous and not logged by omantel.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


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