As you are searching for a VPN for your device, you will probably encounter the phrase free VPN download. This is actually misleading. With reputable VPN providers you don’t need a download. Your device already has a VPN client. All you need are the credentials supplied by your provider.
Why does this matter? Because downloads of any kind can be potentially harmful to your device. This is especially the case when you are downloading from a source that you do not know or trust. The following is information to help you answer the question, “Do I need a free VPN download?”
About VPNs and VPN Clients
A VPN is a virtual private network. It basically allows you to encrypt the data that is transferred between your device and the sites you visit online. With a VPN you can manage a certain amount of anonymity, and your ISP would find it very difficult to track your activity.
A VPN also utilizes a VPN server that belongs to your provider. When you choose to connect to the VPN server you are even more invisible. The IP address you present will be that of the VPN server and not your own.
Most of you know the basics of how a VPN works. We only offer this explanation to make one thing clear. There is a difference between a VPN and a VPN client. The client is the software your device needs to enable use of the VPN.
VPNs Are Pre-Installed On Many Devices
Almost every device which can be connected to the Internet today has a built-in VPN client. This includes laptop and desktop computers, phones, tablets, and even smart televisions and gaming consoles. There is no need for you to download anything onto these devices if you want yo use a VPN.
Do I need a free VPN download? No. All you need to do is locate the VPN client on your device and configure it with the credentials your chosen VPN provides. Once this is done, all you need to do is connect to your chosen VPN server. You’ll have all the benefits that a VPN offers.
If you have trouble locating a VPN client on your device, most VPN providers will be happy to help. We should also point out that many VPN providers today are offering apps for both Android and iOS devices. This makes it even easier for you to use your VPN without the need for a download.
You Can Often Use a VPN On Multiple Devices
Some VPN providers will specify how many devices you can connect to the VPN at a single time. You may also only be allowed a certain number of recognized devices. You should check with your VPN to see what its policy is regarding multiple devices.
Some people prefer to use a VPN on their network router to offer protection to any device that is connected to the home network. Again, this is something that you would need to discuss with your VPN before you decide to make a purchase.
Configuring and Connecting With Your VPN – No Download Required
Let’s conclude by walking through a series of simple steps that will get you up and running with your VPN.
- Locate the VPN client on your device
- Use the app supplied by your VPN if one is available
- Put in the credentials you have been given by your VPN
- Once you have configured the VPN you will have access to the list of servers available
- Choose a server and connect to it with your VPN
The process is very simple. In recent years technology has even made the process easier than it once was.
Beware Free VPN Downloads
If you are presented with the opportunity to download a free VPN, we suggest that you proceed with caution. Many of these offers are scams that are designed to put your data at risk. There have even been stories in the news media of some VPNs being used to deliver harmful spyware to the devices of unsuspecting users.
Always prefer to go with a legitimate VPN company that has many good reviews. Ask questions before you buy. Do your homework and you will find a VPN that suits your needs. To be safe check and buy our VPN services.
3 Steps to use VPN
Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.
ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.
Enjoy VPNEnjoy the benefits of a VPN today.
Get a VPN Account
Connect & Enjoy: Internet Freedom, Privacy & security. Purchase your VPN today!