Friendster & Accessing Friendster When Blocked

unblock friendster with VPN  Friendster is a social networking site dedicated to maintaining valuable friendships and starting new ones. Friendster was created in 2002 by Jonathan Abrams. Friendster has been featured in various publications such as Time, Esquire, Vanity Fair, and more.

Friendster is a lot of fun and can help people from different countries make lasting friendships that turn into real life opportunities as life progresses and changes for the better. Having a network of friends on a site such as Friendster can link you with people who can teach you valuable things like social skills, assertiveness, and creativity. Being a member of a social networking site can show you what being interested in the accomplishments of others means to their self esteem.

Today there are over 90 million registered users globally with the majority hailing from Asia. In fact, 90% of the Friendster member base is from Asia. As was seen with Brazil dominating the social networking site Orkut, Friendster is dominated primarily by web surfers from the Asia-Pacific area. 150,000 new users register at Friendster everyday and a stunning 87% of the Philippine population use this popular friendship site on a regular basis.

Navigating through and using Friendster is quite simple and very easy to learn. Their very straight forward layout makes mastering the site and it’s features a breeze. There is not a lot of clutter to get in the way of using the site and making good use of it.

Anyone on Friendster can create a Fan Profile to promote themselves and build a fan base that keep track of their current events. This makes it easier for people to follow what is happening with specific people, locations, and organizations. You don’t have to be a member of Friendster to access the Fan Profiles. They are accessible through search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. Currently, there are over 40 million fans following a multitude of profiles.

Friendster appropriately introduced multiple language support for various countries, and nearly 70% of the world’s Internet users can now use the site without difficulty. Good news for the increasingly high number of new Friendster sign ups. Multiple language support also gives Friendster the opportunity to amass many other people from countries that wouldn’t have joined because of the language barrier.

A new Friendster Developer Program was introduced in 2006 allowing widgets and other content to be embedded within the profile pages. 39% of their member base have widgets linked to their profile, making this one of the most widely utilized features of Friendster.

Friendster is blocked from view because of network settings configured by Internet service providers. A virtual private network connection can allow full access to the entire Internet! Using a VPN connection, everything you do will be anonymous and encrypted via our servers located around the world. You would be able to access bocked websites and if YouTube is blocked you can unblock Friendster.

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