Facebook & Accessing Facebook When Blocked

unblock facebook with a VPNFacebook is a visually attractive, unique, and historically gigantic social arena. Every day, over 1 billion messages are exchanged and new members join all the time. This site was originally built for college students but grew to a size that rivals previous social networking leaders. Competitively speaking, Facebook is the fastest growing social networking site ever. A few countries still have censorship restrictions regarding access to Facebook, but only a small minority.

Facebook is more than just a site to add friends and send messages. Way more. In 2007, Facebook added the ability for coders and developers to add their own applications into Facebook. There are lots of applications created by the members. With an open platform to create applications everyone can use, the future of Facebook looks a lot more promising. The possibilities are endless, and with technology continuing to evolve it would not be far fetched to see the Facebook network and their subsequent applications appear in places you wouldn’t expect to see them.

Facebook has advantages over traditional cell phones because the gigantic membership base, member pictures, and other files can’t all fit into the small amount of on board memory. So, Facebook is going to allow you to link your phone to their site and access their content from a remotely stored location. This will save the precious little memory that smart phones provide for more critical processes. Nearly every application in Facebook is interactive with other Facebook members. The complexity of the applications and new uses for the Facebook platform is a matter of simple ingenuity. Imagine a fireworks show choreographed by hundreds of thousands of Facebook members, each paying for their fireworks and setting them off with the touch of a button. Just like the Fourth Of July only more exciting. All this is possible with the advent of Facebook’s open ended user application development feature.

The graphics are wonderfully well designed and the site is very easy to navigate. In terms of development, Facebook is just starting out. Their very young and talented development team continue to tweak the characteristics of the site into a perfect symmetry. You can expect Facebook to completely change the site in the coming months as more people join and their development budget increases. Linux is an open ended operating system very popular with coders and developers, but can’t compete with Windows. Why? Because Windows is a more efficient overall option. Facebook is open ended, and has one advantage over all other networking sites. User interactivity applications developed by users to span from within, and reach outside of Facebook has never been done. Let the fireworks begin, hit the Facebook button to turn out all the lights, and set the hot key for the pizza guy. Facebook is going to be a driving force in true technological progress.

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