UK to Block Porn Sites via Internet Filters

Porn blocked - Unblock Porn British Prime Minister David Cameron dropped a huge bomb on fans of Internet porn when he announced in late June that the UK would begin blocking all porn websites by default beginning in 2014. Regardless of how you feel about Internet porn, Cameron’s action is a strike against Internet freedom in the UK. (more)

Something very interesting is the following “MPs, peers and staff at the Houses of Parliament have tried to access ‘adult’ websites using their work computers 309,316 times over the past year, according to official figures.” Source

There are options for those adults who prize their right to look at porn websites. The UK porn block will be easy to avoid if Web surfers secure a VPN account.

Why is the UK blocking porn?

Prime Minister Cameron’s reasons for blocking porn in the UK in 2013 are noble enough. He states that it is simply an initiative to crack down on the promulgation of child pornography. The National Crime Agency in the UK strongly pursues legal action against individuals who upload/download pornographic images of children, but Cameron says this is not enough. He says that he believes the government shares a responsibility with ISP’s and search engine companies to block access to offensive material.

Cameron also wishes to reduce the chances that children will be able to access pornographic images online. The Prime Minister contends that some underage children are viewing porn websites without their parent’s knowledge. The porn ban aims to employ a blanket restriction in order to accomplish Cameron’s objectives.

How will the UK block porn?

The UK porn block will be implemented in a series of stages. The first of these is voluntary implementation of “family-friendly” filters on public Wi-Fi hotspots. Many business locations which offer public Wi-Fi have stated their willingness to participate in the porn ban, and more are sure to jump on the bandwagon as the movement gathers steam.

Later, filtering will be used by UK-based ISP’s to accomplish nationwide blocking. This measure will take some time for ISP’s to setup, but the majority of providers should be in full compliance by the end of 2013.

Restricting access to websites can be a complicated procedure. In most cases, using proxy servers to filter the internet. It is interesting to note that the four largest Internet providers in the UK—TalkTalk, Virgin, Sky, and BT—have agreed to enable home network filters by default. This means that all new broadband subscribers will find these sites automatically blocked. The providers, however, have left in place a way for subscribers to bypass the filters by adjusting settings that can only be accessed by the adult account holder.

The UK porn block will create more VPN users

Even though almost everyone will applaud the Prime Minister’s intentions, an equal number of users concerned about diminishing Internet freedom will certainly turn to VPN’s in order to retain access to whatever sites they choose.

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How do you feel about the UK blocking porn?

Here is our take on the UK porn block. supports and encourages efforts to eradicate the exploitation of children through pornography, and we encourage parents to monitor the Internet usage of their children to prevent access to objectionable sites. Concerning porn websites that feature adult models, believes that adults should retain their freedom in choosing whether or not to view these websites.

We are very interested to know your thoughts on the porn ban in the UK. Do you think this is a reasonable action by the Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK, or do you believe it strikes at the heart of Internet freedom? Will a ban on Internet porn lead to other government-mandated restrictions? Please take a moment to leave us a comment below and share your thoughts on this controversial issue.

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March 2021 update on uk porn block found here.

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