This is another in depth story that a user submitted to us about 2 years ago. This particular customer whom remains a loyal vpn user at to this day shares with us how he discovered our VPN service and how it is used to bypass blocked sites. We thank him for taking his time to write and share his story, unfortunately it is rare to receive such stories and we will release a few more that we have saved over the years since launching in 2007.
When I was traveling recently, I was quickly reminded of how much freedom we have in Europe. There are no blocks on websites that the government doesn’t like here. However, in many countries like Qatar and Oman, this is not the case. Anything that is not agreeable to the government can be quickly blocked or shut down. Even just foreign news sites can be considered unacceptable and be banned. Faceboo, youtube, anything is fair game to be banned. But, I thought, there has to be a way to bypass blocked sites right?
I travel so much that just dealing with it was not an option. So when I got back from my main trip to Qatar I looked into ways to get around this. It turns out there a few ways to deal with these issues, but the safest and most reliable is what’s called a VPN. VPN’s encrypt all the data coming and going from your computer, so no one can tell what it is and decide to block it. This would let you bypass blocked sites.
So the next time I was traveling, I tried to sign up for a VPN, only to find that the sign up sites were blocked too. Of course, I thought, the government couldn’t stop a VPN, but they could stop people from signing up in the first place. Serves me right for waiting until I was out of the country. I should have signed up in advance.
So as soon as I got home, I went looking for a good deal on a VPN account. I found your website which seems to have great deals and be very simple and straightforward to sign up to. I was quickly set up and ready to go for my next trip. First thing I did was I arrived in Qatar I pulled out my laptop and tested out my new VPN account. It worked like a charm. I had access to all my favorite sites, faceboo, foreign news, games, and my adult dating sites. Some countries even block skype and youtube. I’m glad to report these work too. Even though they are data-heavy when doing voices and videos, they still work great, even from a foreign country through a VPN! I was relieved that I could still rely on my usual programs and sites like skype, facebook, and youtube, no matter where I went.
Skype is such a useful tool that saves money over regular phones, what I spent on a VPN would be saved just by using it when i visited Dubai, UAE that blocks skype. I could finally bypass blocked sites and use VoIP programs such as GoogleTalk and skype.
Related posts: In which Countries is a VPN Account needed?