Best VPN for Dark Web

The Dark Web

You have probably heard about the Dark Web. This hidden collection of websites actually forms the largest segment of the Internet, but it is accessible only through a special browser known as TOR. Even when you are using TOR to access the Dark Web a VPN is still recommended for added layers of security. Finding the best VPN for Dark Web access can be tricky.

We have put together information that you may find useful regarding Dark Web access and VPN. Always remember that it is best to use caution when you are browsing the Dark Web due to the content that you may find there.

The Dark Web – Where Secrets Are Kept

The best way to describe the Dark Web is to say that it is a place where secrets are kept. The Dark Web is a collection of websites that can only be accessed with a special browser called TOR. The TOR browser was originally developed for military operations. It provides access to websites with .onion domains.

The Surface Web and Deep Web are also part of the Internet as we know it today. Along with the Deep Web, the Dark Web accounts for the largest proportion of Internet websites. These range from secure versions of news websites and social media networks to nefarious black markets where drugs and guns are traded.

On the Dark Web you will find illegal pornography alongside sites where pirated media can be downloaded for free. The most famous Dark Web site is probably the original Silk Road. This site ran for several years until its developer was arrested by the FBI and given a lengthy federal prison term.

There are good aspects of the Dark Web. Journalists and political dissidents can use TOR to communicate with their audiences and eliminate the risk of being discovered. Those who are security conscious can create an anonymous email account, or even access the .onion version of Facebook.

The disclaimer that we should offer is that some innocent people have become caught up in problems because they did not use caution when accessing the Dark Web. A VPN is recommended before you proceed.

Accessing the Dark Web

Before you are able to access the Dark Web you will need to install the TOR browser on your desktop or laptop computer. This browser is available for free from the Tor Project website. It is a safe download, but we recommend scanning with your standard antivirus software before installation.

The download takes only a few moments, and then you only need to follow the instructions that appear on your screen to install TOR. There are even some plug-ins and add-ons that make it possible to integrate Chrome and Firefox with TOR. Most individuals just tend to use the TOR browser as a standalone.

Once you open up the TOR browser you will be able to access the Dark Web by putting in the .onion site that you want to visit. There are also .onion search engines that can be used. A word of caution. Some Dark Web sites are known for malware and viruses. Proceed with caution. Check our post on the best dark web websites.

VPN for Dark Web Access is a Must

Because of the way TOR works, most people make the the assumption that it offers secure browsing of the Internet. The Onion Router works just like an onion, concealing your connection beneath multiple layers or access points that must be peeled back. But this is not enough.

Your ISP may still be able to see that you are accessing the TOR network. Because the Dark Web has been associated with illegal Internet activity, you could raise a red flag just by connecting to TOR. Your ISP might be compelled to reveal that you are connecting to TOR if a log of your activities are requested by law enforcement.

The way to avoid this is to use a VPN in addition to TOR. The way that you do this is to find a reliable VPN, connect, and then open your TOR browser. This will create the encrypted tunnel that you need to prevent your ISP from seeing that you are using TOR.

If you have gone to all the trouble of downloading TOR and are ready to access the Dark Web, it only makes sense to choose the Best VPN for Dark Web browsing. You will soon discover that all VPNs are not created equal.

The Best VPN for Dark Web Browsing

Just make a Google search for VPN service and you will see that there is no shortage of VPN providers to choose from. You will probably see a number of free services right at the top of the search results. Choosing the best VPN for Dark Web access is important because the wrong one could leave you vulnerable to even more security threats.

Free VPN services have to depend upon other streams of revenue to support their services. These streams usually involve revenue from advertising companies who pay to see your browsing preferences. Free services may also keep logs of your Internet activities.

The best VPN is one that does not log your activity, and also one that typically charges a nominal fee for access. In exchange for the money you will pay you’ll be given access to multiple servers in different locations throughout the world. A reliable VPN for Dark Web access is also one that has impressive up time and few service issues.

Finally, you will want to choose a VPN provider that gives you good customer service. You should be able to get an answer to any issue that you have within a very short period of time. takes pride in being one of the best VPN for Dark Web providers. When you look at our service you will see that we check off all of the above requirements. Our plans are reliable and affordable. You can secure your Internet access with our VPN for a low price when you choose to pay yearly for your plan.

3 Steps to use VPN


Sign upBuy an affordable VPN account.


ConnectConfigure the VPN on your device.


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